
Former patient urges people not to ignore heart attack symptoms

Former patient urges people not to ignore heart attack symptoms

March 26, 2017 | 12:13 AM
Graham Foxwell ... cautionary tale
A former patient has urged people in the country not to ignore heart attack symptoms.Heart attacks are among the major causes of death in Qatar each year, with numerous patient admissions to Hamad Medical Corporation’s (HMC) Heart Hospital for this and other heart-related conditions. While doctors advise that the best way to survive a heart attack is simple - seek medical attention early - many patients don’t, dismissing the severity of their symptoms, according to a statement. Graham Foxwell (55), who cheerily referred to himself as Happy Heart Graham, says he hopes his story will be a cautionary tale for others. The UK native, who has lived in Qatar for about 13 years, found himself requiring the assistance of HMC’s Ambulance Service and Heart Hospital earlier this year.“My health has always been good. I have never been admitted to hospital in my life,” said Foxwell. Noting that he started to feel unwell earlier in the evening, Foxwell said he asked his daughter to Google the symptoms he was experiencing. His 18-year-old daughter quickly determined the severity of the situation and knew they needed medical assistance.“I was very reluctant to call the ambulance as I thought there was no way I was having a heart attack. I told my daughter not to bother. I said let’s see what happens as it might not be anything. My son and daughter were both getting concerned and kept insisting they ring an ambulance,” recalled Foxwell.Dr Nidal Asaad, chairman of cardiology at Heart Hospital, said it is important that the public is able to recognise the signs and symptoms of a heart attack. He noted that the signs and symptoms can vary for men and women.“Symptoms such as acute chest pain with a sensation of pressure, tightness or squeezing in the chest, pain or discomfort in the arms, jaw and sometimes upper back, nausea, breathlessness and dizziness could all be warning bells for a heart attack. It is also worth noting that symptoms may show up in several different ways and depends on a number of factors, such as gender, age and type of heart disease,” said Dr Asaad.Noting that women heart attack patients will often cite unusual fatigue, sleep disturbances and anxiety as the most frequent symptoms they experience, and not chest pain, Dr Asaad said getting help immediately is crucial. “If you suspect you are having a heart attack, or if you witness someone you suspect is having a heart attack, immediately call 999 for an ambulance.”In his case, Foxwell said things quickly escalated. Noting that he suddenly felt seriously ill, he told his children to immediately call an ambulance.Foxwell was admitted to Heart Hospital where he spent four days. He underwent an angioplasty and had two stents placed in his heart valve. He says the care he received was amazing, attributing it in part to his full recovery.
March 26, 2017 | 12:13 AM