
Doha Forum urges world to help end conflicts

Doha Forum urges world to help end conflicts

May 16, 2017 | 01:25 AM
Delegates attending the plenary session on u201cPolitical and Economic Impact on Refugee Crisisu201d at the 17th Doha Forum.
The two-day Doha Forum which was held under the theme “Development, Stability and Refugee Crisis” concluded yesterday evening.The forum saw a broad international participation of decision-makers, intellectuals and representatives of international and regional organisations and institutions.In a speech at the closing session, HE the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Sultan bin Saad al-Muraikhi said that the international and regional participation and the speeches delivered by the heads of state and government, politicians, opinion leaders and intellectuals as well as businessmen, parliamentarians and representatives of regional and international organisations and international community have provided an ideal opportunity for constructive dialogue as well as exchange of ideas and ideas to achieve the desired goals.The selection of the theme of the 17th Doha Forum “Development, Stability and Refugee Crisis” has many important implications as these issues are among the most important challenges facing the world today, he said.He stressed that holding the Doha Forum on a regular basis since its first session in 2000 until now reflects the vision of the wise leadership of the State of Qatar and contributes to the consolidation of the concepts of meaningful dialogue, constructive thinking and constant striving to find solutions to the problems and challenges facing the countries of the region and the world at large.He pointed out that the forum’s discussions that took place over two days proved that the problems of the world today do not know any borders, and that the challenges have become global and they do not pose a threat to those who face them only or to countries they suffer from, but the whole world is suffering and has suffered from them.At the forefront of these problems and the serious challenges facing the world today was the lack of development and instability in many regions of the world and the refugee issue, he said.Al-Muraikhi said that the participants’ deliberations proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the asylum situation today is not as it was yesterday, and it is clear that the whole world is facing a major humanitarian disaster that requires finding all means to address it.HE the Minister stressed the need for the international community to shoulder its legal and moral responsibility and to work seriously towards stopping wars and conflicts that cause the crisis by all political and peaceful means, finding just and lasting solutions to the issues of peoples, helping refugees wherever they are, alleviating their suffering and providing housing, food, education and healthcare to them, in addition to working on refugee resettlement in their countries and real participation in the reconstruction and stability of each country that its people was forced to asylum and its homeland was destroyed because of wars and conflicts.He pointed out that the success of development depends on the stability of societies.Stability is the cornerstone and the framework that protect the development process, he said, pointing out at the same time that terrorism and extremism can not be eliminated without achieving sustainable development.HE the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs affirmed that all the forum’s recommendations and ideas will help in finding ways and means to address the issues of the humanitarian community, adding that everyone has the responsibility to make use of these visions and solutions to achieve world development and stability and to contribute to building world peace, reducing refugee flows and alleviating their suffering.The Prime Minister of Finland Juha Sipila addressed the closing session stressing the need for the world to respond to the refugees crisis and its consequent humanitarian needs.He pointed out that Europe did not deal with this issue in an interactive manner and that it should change the way they of handling it.He also called for thoroughly studying the causes of migration and asylum and for looking into their causes before thinking about managing the crisis and dealing with its figures.For his part Vice President of Brookings Center in the US Martin Indyk extended thanks to Qatar for successfully organising forum for the past 17 years.In his speech at the closing session, Indyk expressed dissatisfaction with the manner in which the United States deals with the refugee crisis in the world, calling upon all parties in this regard to fulfil their humanitarian obligations towards the refugees. The first edition of the Doha Forum was held in 2001 in preparation for the WTO Ministerial Meeting in Doha in November of the same year.Then it was held under the title Qatar-US Conference on Democracy and Free Trade. Page 3
May 16, 2017 | 01:25 AM