
Anti-Qatar 'sanctions will only serve to bolster national unity'

Anti-Qatar 'sanctions will only serve to bolster national unity'

June 15, 2017 | 09:41 PM
Salem bin Mubarak al-Shafi, Qatar's ambassador to Turkey

Salem bin Mubarak al-Shafi, Qatar's ambassador to Turkey, has said the anti-Qatar sanctions have "nothing to do with law, religion or morality", reports.

"These sanctions will only serve to bolster our national unity and our commitment to our principles," he told Anadolu news agency.

"Those who have tried to encircle us lost the moral high ground on the first day [of the sanctions] and lost the diplomatic war later," he said, pointing to calls by US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to raise the ongoing blockade on Qatar. "Following Tillerson's call, they [those countries imposing the sanctions] have tried to pull the wool over international community's eyes."

He continued, "We, as Qatar, plan to raise the issue with international institutions and organisations; we want a step-back away from these immoral approaches.

"Their attitude shows they are not in favour of dialogue or negotiation; this is apparent in their official statements.

"They want to enforce their directives no matter what, which is absolutely unacceptable for Qatar.

"Qatar is ready for sincere and constructive dialogue. But first they must withdraw [the sanctions] as we cannot negotiate when a gun is being held to our head."

June 15, 2017 | 09:41 PM