
Qatar, China sign security pact to combat terrorism and extremism

Qatar, China Sign Security Pact to Combat Terrorism and Extremism

September 27, 2017 | 10:39 PM
86th session of the INTERPOL General Assembly

The State of Qatar and the People's Republic of China have signed an agreement to enhance security cooperation between the two countries, on the sidelines of the 86th session of the INTERPOL General Assembly, which is hosted by the Chinese capital Beijing from 26 to 29 September.

The agreement was signed for the State of Qatar by HE Staff Major General Saad bin Jassim Al Khulaifi, the Director-General of Public Security and Head of the State Delegation to the meeting, and for Chinese side by HE Minister of Public Security Guo Shengkun.

The agreement focuses on the fight against terrorism and its financing, and combating extremism in all its forms. The agreement also aims at enhancing cooperation and coordination between Qatar and China in various security fields.

The signing ceremony of the agreement was preceded by a session of talks held between the two sides to set up the appropriate mechanisms to activate the agreement.

September 27, 2017 | 10:39 PM