
Bangladesh says arrival of Rohingya refugees 'untenable'

Rohingya arrivals

October 23, 2017 | 05:24 PM
Khaled al-Jarallah (left), Deputy Foreign Minister of Kuwait, talks with William Lacy Swing, Director General of the International Organisation for Migration, at the Pledging Conference for Rohingya Refugee Crisis in Bangladesh at the United Nations in Geneva on Monday.
* One million Rohingya in Bangladesh, 600,000 in last 2 months
* At donor conference, Bangladesh seeks 'durable solution'* Jordan Queen, on visit to Bangladesh camp, decries 'persecution' Bangladesh faces an untenable situation because nearly one million Rohingya refugees have fled across its border from violence in Myanmar and its government should let them return home, Bangladesh's UN envoy said on Monday.About 600,000 people have crossed the border since August 25."This is an untenable situation," Shameem Ahsan, Bangladesh's ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, told a UN pledging conference. "Despite claims to the contrary, violence in Rakhine state has not stopped. Thousands still enter on a daily basis."Vital humanitarian aid must continue, Ahsan said, adding: "It is of paramount importance that Myanmar delivers on its recent promises and work towards safe, dignified, voluntary return of its nationals back to their homes in Myanmar."Bangladesh's interior minister was in Yangon on Monday for talks to find a "durable solution", he said.But Myanmar continued to issue "propaganda projecting Rohingyas as illegal immigrants from Bangladesh", Ahsan said, adding: "This blatant denial of the ethnic identity of Rohingyas remains a stumbling block."Myanmar considers the Rohingya to be stateless, although they trace their presence in the country back generations.
Jordan's Queen Rania speaks during her visit to the Kutupalong refugee camp in Ukhia on Monday.Filippo Grandi, UN High Commissioner for Refugees, later told journalists that the two countries had begun talks on "repatriation".Any return must be "voluntary, safe and dignified" and conducive conditions have to be "recreated" in Rakhine, he said. "This must include a solution to the question of citizenship, or rather lack thereof for the Rohingya community," Grandi said.Khaled al-Jarallah, deputy foreign minister of Kuwait which co-hosted the meeting, called on Myanmar authorities to "cease the practice of stripping the Rohingya minority of their right of citizenship, which as a result deprives them of the right to property and employment".'Systematic persecution'Jordan's Queen Rania visited Rohingya refugee camps on Monday and called for a stronger response from the international community to the plight of the Rohingya who fled to Bangladesh to escape "systematic persecution" in Myanmar."One has to ask, why is the plight of this Muslim minority group being ignored? Why has the systematic prosecution been allowed to play out for so long?" she asked after touring the camps.The United Nations has appealed for $434mn to provide life-saving aid to 1.2 million people for six months."We need more money to keep pace with intensifying needs. This is not an isolated crisis, it is the latest round in a decades-long cycle of persecution, violence and displacement," UN humanitarian chief Mark Lowcock told the talks."Children, women and men fleeing Myanmar are streaming into Bangladesh traumatised and destitute," he added.Lowcock said a total of $340mn had been pledged to date, but Grandi later put the figure at $335mn.New pledges included €30mn announced by the European Union, $15mn by Kuwait, A$10mn by Australia and £12mn from Britain.
October 23, 2017 | 05:24 PM