
Filipino expats express sympathy for actress in coma

Filipino actress in coma

October 25, 2017 | 09:44 PM
Filipino actress Isabel Granada. PICTURE: Jayan Orma
Former ambassador of the Philippines to Qatar Crescente Relacion and members of the Filipino community have expressed their sympathy for Filipino actress Isabel Granada, who was reportedly in a coma and was being treated at the Heart Hospital in Doha.
“Sorry to learn about it. I’ll pray for her recovery,” said Relacion on his comment on a Facebook post on Wednesday. The envoy is now heading the mission in Syria. The 41-year old actress is in Qatar on a business tour of the Middle East with her husband, entrepreneur Arnel Cowley. She was invited to speak at the Philippine Trade and Tourism Conference – Qatar.Hundreds of Filipino expatriates in the country and those in the Philippines made similar messages, comments and posts on Facebook with the hashtag #PrayforIsabelGranada.“We continue to thank all prayers and support towards the swift and fast recovery of Isabel Granada,” an expatriate said. “May the good Lord save Isabel Granada. We are praying for her fast recovery,” posted another one.Meanwhile, in his statement posted on social media on Wednesday, Cowley said: “To all family and friends, please pray for my wife Isabela Granada who is in ICU at Doha Qatar in a critical condition.” “She suffered from a brain haemorrhage which indicates aneurysm and in turn affected her heart,” he added. “She collapsed suddenly without warning yesterday afternoon and is still not responding.”“I have released this statement to end inaccurate speculations during this hard time for myself and the rest of the family and I would also like to thank the people that’s supporting me here in Doha,” Cowley said. Philippine embassy and labour officials declined to comment when contacted.
October 25, 2017 | 09:44 PM