HMC conducts Qatar’s first allogeneic stem cell transplantation
HMC conducts Qatar’s first allogeneic stem cell transplantation
An expert multi-disciplinary team from the National Centre for Cancer Care and Research (NCCCR), part of the Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC), has performed Qatar’s first allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation on a 32-year-old female patient diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia.
Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is an aggressive form of blood cancer.
Allogeneic stem cell transplantation involves the transfer of stem cells from a genetically-similar healthy person to a patient following high-intensity chemotherapy or radiation.
It is used to eliminate cancer and restore a patient's blood and immune systems.
Due to the time it takes to build the immune system back up after the transplant, several months of close expert monitoring is needed to prevent complications following the procedure.
The patient, a mother of four, was diagnosed with AML earlier this year after noticing unexplained bruising on her upper and lower limbs.
She visited her doctor and underwent blood tests which revealed hyper leukocytosis – an indication of AML.
She was quickly admitted to NCCCR where she underwent a bone marrow exam which confirmed the diagnosis.
Doctors at NCCCR responsible for the patient’s care identified allogeneic stem cell transplantation as the best treatment option.
However, as the stem cells used in the procedure need to come from a healthy person, a close blood relative was needed as a donor.
Two of the patient’s brothers volunteered to be potential donors and were tested to check their suitability.
The eldest brother was found to be the most suitable potential donor and was prepared for the procedure.
The patient is now recovering well and will be discharged soon.
HE the Minister of Public Health Dr Hanan Mohamed al-Kuwari, along with HMC acting chief medical officer Dr Abdulla al-Ansari and other senior leaders from HMC, visited the patient after the transplantation.
The minister said: “Allogeneic stem cell transplantation represents a new milestone in our efforts to provide the very best cancer care and treatment in Qatar.”
“The procedure’s success underlines our ongoing journey to combat cancers of the blood with the most advanced treatment modalities,” she added. “Significant advances have been made throughout Qatar."
"We now take on the challenge of making further advances in developing our knowledge and expertise in cancer prevention and treatment to decrease the incidence of cancer in Qatar and increase survival rates, ultimately aiming to free our population from this often-devastating disease,’’ the minister added.
NCCCR medical director Prof Karl Alexander Knuth said: “This is a major step in HMC’s ongoing success in developing advanced treatment options for cancer patients. The availability of stem cell transplantation for the treatment of malignant diseases of the blood and bone marrow today means that our patients can now receive their treatment here in Qatar (instead of having) to travel abroad.”