
Patrolling intensified after gang violence in Jaffna

Patrolling intensified after gang violence in Jaffna

November 17, 2017 | 10:49 PM
Police grappling with a fresh wave of gang-related violence in Jaffna yesterday.
Sri Lanka has cancelled all police leave and stepped up patrols in Jaffna after a wave of violence in the island’s former war zone, a minister said yesterday.Jaffna is the heartland of Sri Lanka’s Tamil minority and was the epicentre of the long separatist war that ended in 2009.Tensions persist between troops deployed in the area and the local Tamil population, and last year the government accused the military of backing a gang terrorising civilians in the area.Yesterday, Law and Order Minister Sagala Ratnayaka said authorities were grappling with a fresh wave of gang-related violence, but denied it was related to last year’s unrest.He said eight people had been seriously wounded in two days in Jaffna, which lies 400km (250 miles) north of Colombo, in what appeared to be an extortion racket.“We have already arrested six people from this new gang and we are looking for several others,” he said.The current government came to power in January 2015 promising reconciliation after the decades-long war and has tried to restrict military involvement in day-to-day activities in Jaffna.However, civil society groups say elements loyal to the former administration are still in key positions and are fomenting unrest.Government forces maintain a large presence in the former war zone and keep a close watch on the Tamil population, eight years after the end of the war.Army chief summoned by court: A Sri Lankan court has summoned the commander of the country’s army over the disappearance of 24 Tamils since their arrest in 1996 by security forces during the internal conflict with the Tamil rebels, a local report said.The Jaffna High Court has asked army chief Lieutenant General Mahesh Senanayake along with two other state officials to appear in court today. Judge Ilancheliyan ordered them to appear in court when a case filed by parents and relatives of the 24 missing persons was taken up on November 15. The relatives have claimed that the 24 had gone missing since July 1996 when the security forces had arrested them in Navatkuly, Jaffna. Sri Lankan troops and the LTTE have faced international condemnation for alleged human rights violations during the long-drawn conflict.
November 17, 2017 | 10:49 PM