
EU sets Sunday deadline for May to cut Brexit deal

EU sets Sunday deadline for May to cut Brexit deal

December 07, 2017 | 11:34 PM
The European Commission yesterday said there was still “no white smoke” on a Brexit deal and set a limit of Sunday for Prime Minister Theresa May to return to Brussels with an acceptable deal.“So far no white smoke. We stand ready to receive Prime Minister May at any moment in time when they are ready,” Margaritis Schinas, chief spokesman for commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker, told reporters in Brussels.The Vatican sends up white smoke when a new pope is chosen.“But I would like to repeat what president Juncker said on this, namely that this will have to happen this week, in this building.“We work for a full week, 24/7, and our week includes Sunday.”Talks between May and Juncker broke up on Monday without a deal after a pro-British party in Northern Ireland that props up May’s government objected to a clause about future arrangements for the Irish border.Time is now running out for a deal on Brexit divorce terms, which would allow the opening of talks on a future trade deal at a summit of EU leaders in Brussels on December 14-15.Schinas dismissed British newspaper reports that the deadline could be extended into next week as “not correct”. Diplomats from the other EU 27 nations are to meet on Monday and would need to see European Council chief Donald Tusk’s draft guidelines for opening the next phase of talks then in order to approve them for the summit, he said.The EU has demanded “sufficient progress” on the divorce issues of the Ireland border with Northern Ireland, Britain’s bill for leaving the bloc, and the rights of European citizens in Britain in order to move on to the second stage.“Every day lost makes this more difficult,” he said. “President Juncker is a born optimist...but it takes two to tango, two to be optimist.”But EU sources said it was still possible that European leaders could agree at the summit next week that there had been “sufficient progress”, in order to give May a win, while postponing their approval of the guidelines for trade talks.They could then approve those guidelines at EU summits due in February, or failing that in March, sources said.Meanwhile, Scotland’s nationalist leader accused the British government of being “totally and utterly incompetent” on Brexit, saying the current situation showed that Scotland should be independent.“This week, this Tory UK government — strictly speaking, it’s a Tory/DUP UK government — has been shown to be dissembling, mendacious and totally and utterly incompetent,” First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said at a Scottish parliament session in Edinburgh.Willie Rennie, leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats, urged Sturgeon to use her influence to build momentum for a second Brexit referendum, claiming that London Mayor Sadiq Khan “is on side”.
December 07, 2017 | 11:34 PM