
Katara honours artists, photographers of Dhow Festival

Katara honours artists, photographers of Dhow Festival

December 20, 2017 | 12:30 AM
Katara awarded artists and amateur photographers who took part in the Traditional Dhow Festival.
Katara – the Cultural Village has awarded the artists and amateur photographers who took part in the recently held 7th Katara Traditional Dhow Festival.In a statement, Katara said they played an active role in the competition, capturing and editing photos and producing exquisite paintings for contests such as the fine-art and photography competitions, which were organised on the sidelines of the festival. The awarding ceremony was held in the presence of the Katara deputy general manager and head of operations Ahmed Abdulrahman al-Sayed, Research and Studies Department head Dr Nadia al-Modahka, members from the jury committee, and participants. One of the contest briefs required artists to paint in real-time as events unfolded in front of them. An elite group of Qatari and expatriate artists produced some stunning pieces of work, which reflected the actions and emotions of people involved in the festival.Amateur and professional photographers from different art-schools and nationalities captured significant moments to enter the competition, drawing inspiration from cultural pavilions, handicrafts and traditional performances at the festival.“The fine-art and photography contests have become a much-awaited event at Katara. During the contests, artists compete to present their creativity through breathtaking shots of the Traditional Dhow Festival,” al-Sayed said. “The photos aim to present the festival’s distinctive maritime activities that in turn, contribute to raising public awareness of the region’s rich and authentic sea-faring heritage,” he added.Qatari artist Haifa Khalifa Mohamed al-Sada won the first place followed by another Qatari artist, Ali Abulrahman al-Naama. Andry Shahayr Nofel bagged the third place while the fourth place went to Afnan Maheesh Kumar Panara. Qatari artist Fahad Ali al-Maaded came in fifth. In the photography contest, Mohamed Najeeb Nasr won the top prize followed by Waseem Bashar al-Khedr, Richard Lembo, Youssef Loledi, and Ali Ali Jad for the second, third, fourth and fifth places, respectively.
December 20, 2017 | 12:30 AM