
CRA president leads team at Internet Governance Forum in Switzerland

CRA president leads team at Internet Governance Forum in Switzerland

December 20, 2017 | 11:50 PM
A panel discussion at the forum. Picture by Jean Marc Ferre.
A high-level delegation from Qatar headed by Mohamed Ali al-Mannai, president, Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA), is participating in the 12th annual meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF 2017) in Geneva. Organised by the United Nations (UN) under the leadership of UN Undersecretary General for Economic and Social Affairs Wu Hongbo, IGF is taking place until today in Geneva, Switzerland under the theme ‘Shape Your Digital Future’.The forum addresses different aspects of international Internet governance, including policy, legal frameworks and regulation, on subjects such as information security and Internet infrastructure. Additionally, the forum is examining issues related to human rights for Internet users, cybersecurity, the impact of the Internet on sustainable development and economic growth, as well as ways to enhance international co-operation.“One of the CRA’s goals is fostering the digital society of tomorrow. Hence, the CRA is keen  to participate in forums like IGF, which contribute to the development of a sustainable, robust, secure and stable Internet worldwide,” said al-Mannai. “IGF is also an opportunity to connect and exchange experiences and enhance co-operation with other government entities and relevant international organisations.“Stakeholders, users, government and private sectors all share their views at the IGF with the aim of creating a consolidated view from which effective international policies can be formed.” The forum includes a number of workshops that discuss various topics related to gender divides, the Internet of Things, cybersecurity and data privacy. It also features capacity-building workshops designed to educate young participants about their rights and responsibilities as Internet users and to exchange experiences.Doris Leuthard, president, Swiss Confederation, opened the IGF. The event is being attended by high-level officials and more than 2,000 participants from around the world, who come from the government and private sectors and civil society institutions, as well as representatives of international organisations such as the International Telecommunication Union, The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, United  Nations and Unesco.
December 20, 2017 | 11:50 PM