Qatar Charity recently held a public event, “The Best of Our Kids”, at the Aspire Zone Park to support the Rohingya children.
A large number of people who turned up at the function bought handcrafted toys made by children of Qatar for helping Rohingya children in Bangladesh and Myanmar.
The event included recreational, entertainment and sport activities. The event focused on raising awareness amongst children about the harsh conditions Rohingya children are going through in their refugee camps in Bangladesh.
Farid Khalil al-Saddiqui, director, projects and local centres, Qatar Charity, said the importance of sponsoring such events lies in promoting and strengthening the values of benevolence among local children.
“It is being done through educational and recreational options,” he said, adding, “Hosting such events enables Qatar Charity to bridge the gap between vulnerable orphans in conflict areas and the rest of the world. Such events help generate more exposure.”
Programme host Heyam al-Qahtani said the event came as a social and educational initiative that addressed parents and targeted their young kids. “The purpose was to promote the role of donation and the importance of helping those in need as well as creating a healthy and competitive spirit among the
“We have targeted the children in Qatar because we believe there is a shortage of similar events that trigger charity subjects in unorthodox and creative ways.”
Among the participants was Abdulrahman al-Harmi, who said religion plays a pivotal role in educating children to grow selfless and develop a sense of philanthropy towards the less privileged.
Souar al-Dahab, a member of Qatar Charity’s relief campaign in Bangladesh, urged the gathering to stand for the persecuted Rohingya children and help them through the difficult times.
Hamad al-Baridi, a poet, delivered a number of “Nabati” poems about the virtues of charity and benevolence.
Writer, painter and poet Radi al-Hajri read out a collection of popular poems and others in classical Arabic, one of which was dedicated to the Rohingya children.
A fundraising organised at the event saw many children and their parents contribute liberally to help the Rohingya children.
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