
UK parliamentarians meet Sirisena

UK parliamentarians meet Sirisena

January 05, 2018 | 10:20 PM
UK all-party parliamentary group members with Sri Lanka President Maithripala Sirisena, middle, in Colombo yesterday.
The UK all-party parliamentary group on Sri Lanka met President Maithripala Sirisena at the Presidential Secretariat yesterday for talks, the President’s Office said. Members of the all-party parliamentary group including its Chair Ranil Jayawardena of Sri Lankan origin, MP, House of Commons, who represents the Conservative Party of the UK, participated at this meeting. The delegation arrived in the country with the aim of strengthening relations with Sri Lanka as a Commonwealth country as well as to promote trade and investment relations between the two countries. The delegation had told the president that there was immense progress in the programmes carried out by the government to strengthen democracy and in the steps taken to develop the economy, implement special development projects as well as promote foreign trade. President Sirisena pointed out the importance of further strengthening the relations between the two countries to reap maximum benefits from the opportunities of new technology and the promotion of employment opportunities. The Commonwealth heads of government meeting is scheduled to take place in the United Kingdom in April, and the delegation said that parallel to this event, the two countries are expected to further consolidate their ties. The Secretary to the President Austin Fernando and Michelle Donelan, Chris Green and John Lamont representing the UK all-party parliamentary group on Sri Lanka participated at this meeting.
January 05, 2018 | 10:20 PM