
Tillerson, Mattis call for calming tensions in GCC dispute

Tillerson, Mattis call for calming tensions in GCC dispute

January 30, 2018 | 08:18 PM
US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson next to Defense Secretary Jim Mattis welcomes HE the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohamed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani and HE the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for Defence Affairs Dr Khalid bin Mohamed al-Attiyah at the opening session of the inaugural US-Qatar Strategic Dialogue at the State Department in Washington

The US secretaries of state and defence on Tuesday called on all sides in the dispute between Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to calm tensions among the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) members.

‘It is critical that all parties minimize rhetoric, exercise restraint to avoid further escalation and work toward a resolution,’ Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said at a joint appearance of the US and Qatari foreign and defence ministers.

Last June the UAE, along with Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Egypt, cut off travel and trade ties with Qatar, accusing it of supporting terrorism and their arch-rival Iran. Doha denies the charges and says the countries aim to curtail its sovereignty.

‘A united Gulf Cooperation Council bolsters our effectiveness on many fronts, particularly on counterterrorism, defeating ISIS Daesh, and countering the spread of Iran's malign influence,’ said Defense Secretary James Mattis, referring to the Islamic State militant group sometimes called ISIS or ISIL.

‘It is thus critical that the GCC recovers its cohesion as the proud Gulf nations return to mutual support through a peaceful resolution that provides for enhanced regional stability and prosperity,’ he added.

The two men spoke along with their Qatari counterparts after the first of what is to become an annual US-Qatar Strategic Dialogue. The GCC's members, all of whom are US partners, are Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

Qatar is host to US and international forces at Al Udeid Air Base, which is home to the Combined Air Operations Center. The operation coordinates an array of data and intelligence from satellites, drones, radar and US planes flying over Middle East hot spots and bombing Islamic State positions.

January 30, 2018 | 08:18 PM