
Erdogan to discuss Jerusalem with Pope

Erdogan to discuss Jerusalem with Pope

February 05, 2018 | 01:08 AM
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan flew to Italy yesterday ahead of talks with Pope Francis that are expected to centre on Jerusalem after US President Donald Trump recognised the holy city as the capital of Israel.Jerusalem is home to sites holy to the Muslim, Jewish and Christian religions, and Trump’s recent announcement that he would move the US embassy to the city alarmed many allies, who say the decision could doom Middle East peace efforts.But the two men have found common ground over Jerusalem, speaking by phone after Trump made his announcement in December and agreeing that any change to the city’s status should be avoided.Before leaving Turkey, Erdogan said the United States had isolated itself over Jerusalem, which the Palestinians want to share with the Israelis as their future capital.“In the process ahead, come on and accept Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine. This is the point that is to be reached. We are now working for this,” he told reporters in Istanbul.Erdogan is due to see the Pope today in what will be the first visit to the Vatican by a Turkish president in 59 years.
February 05, 2018 | 01:08 AM