
Expats' 'Trans Qatar' run to traverse Qatar

Expats' 'Trans Qatar' run to traverse Qatar next Friday

February 16, 2018 | 10:45 PM
The route of the 'Trans Qatar' run.

A 15-member group of long-distance runners, including some who had taken part in competitive races earlier in Qatar and other countries, will come together on February 23 for a 190km 'Trans Qatar' run from one end of the country to the other.

The group, led by French expatriate Loic Burdon, consists of members from the UK, Brazil, Canada, India, Morocco, Philippines, Nigeria, and Spain among others. The group is also receiving inquiries from some of the Africans residing in the country, member Vinod Gopinath said. It is learnt that the race would start in the early hours on February 23 from about 20km into the southern border near Mesaieed and the competitors will run mainly through routes identified through the desert areas before they wind up next morning at Shamal Park on the northern border. There will be four water points across the route."Along the route, the runners will cross Salwa Road, Dukhan Highway, and Shamal Express way," explained Gopinath. "We hope our running across the country would help generate interest for events like the marathon races, exceeding 42km," another participant said.

February 16, 2018 | 10:45 PM