
Emir sends message to Lebanese president

Emir sends message to Lebanese president

March 13, 2018 | 01:09 AM
QATAR  |  OfficialEmir sends message to Lebanese presidentHis Highness the Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani sent yesterday a written message to Lebanese President Michel Aoun, pertaining to bilateral relations and means of boosting and developing them. Qatar’s ambassador to Lebanon Ali bin Hamad al-Marri handed the message during a meeting yesterday with the Lebanese president.QATAR  |  OfficialEmir congratulates Mauritian presidentHis Highness the Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani and His Highness the Deputy Emir Sheikh Abdullah bin Hamad al-Thani sent cables of congratulations to the President of Mauritius, Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, on her country’s National Day. HE the Prime Minister and Interior Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa al-Thani also sent a similar cable to the Prime Minister of Mauritius, Pravind Kumar Jugnauth.REGION  |  BankingQatar attends GCC  monetary meetingsQatar participated in the 69th GCC Committee of Governors of Monetary Agencies and Central Banks, and the 47th Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Gulf Monetary Council held yesterday in Kuwait. Qatar’s delegation to the meetings was led by HE Governor of Qatar Central Bank (QCB) Sheikh Abdullah bin Saud al-Thani. The Board of Directors of the Gulf Monetary Council include Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Bahrain. Governor of the Central Bank of Kuwait MohamEd al-Hashel said that the 69th GCC Committee of Governors of Monetary Agencies and Central Banks held yesterday was fruitful and successful.
March 13, 2018 | 01:09 AM