
Healthy dishes attract more visitors at food festival

Healthy dishes attract more visitors at food festival

March 17, 2018 | 09:14 PM
A healthy food stall at the festival. PICTURES: Thajuddin

More and more people are visiting the healthy dishes options at the Qatar International Food Festival (QIFF) as the 9th edition of the event keeps attracting large number of visitors.

Noor al-Mazroei, a Qatari culinary expert showcasing healthy food items at the food festival said that more people in the country are opting for very healthy food items. “I prepare healthy food items for all categories of people both male and female. On the social media, I have over 10,000 Instagram followers. I provide recipes of a number of healthy dishes,” al-Mazroei told Gulf Times.“My shop here gets over 250 customers daily and the number is increasing. The customers are quite happy about the variety of food items I sell. As the festival progresses, the number is increasing as more people come to know about the shop from previous visitors and other sources,” al- Mazroei continued. 

People visiting various stalls
“I sell mainly healthy Qatari dishes. We have three major types of food. They are gluten free, vegetarian and other types. I am allergic to dairy products and egg food items and so I eat largely vegetarian food items. I thought, I should pass on this option to others and familiarise them different vegetarian items,” explained the culinary expert. Al- Mazroei noted that she does not have a restaurant but supplies food to several outlets in the city. “I don’t have a restaurant in the city but I provide recipes for others and I sell my dishes to other restaurants. I am supplying food for Odirose restaurant. Earlier I used to supply food items for MIA Café as well as Salad Boutique. I plan to tie up with several other restaurants and provide very health food items to them,” she disclosed.According to al-Mazroei, the healthy dishes that she serves, appeal to all age categories of people and provide a better option. “I have plans to set up a restaurant of my own. I have not yet decided on the location. Hopefully I will be able to start my own venture soon. I prepare food which is great to eat and easy to handle and will supplement good health to the consumers,” she added.

March 17, 2018 | 09:14 PM