
Hosting France's Macron, Trump calls Iran deal 'a disaster'

Hosting France's Macron, Trump calls Iran deal 'a disaster'

April 24, 2018 | 06:15 PM
US President Donald Trump (R) and French President Emmanuel Macron speak to the media in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington

US President Donald Trump pilloried the Iran nuclear deal as ‘a disaster’ and ‘insane’ as he hosted French President Emmanuel Macron in the Oval Office Tuesday, puncturing a carefully choreographed display of pomp and camaraderie.

The US leader groused that the accord -- inked three years ago by the United States, Iran, Europe, Russia and China -- does nothing to tackle Tehran's ballistic missiles program or support for militant groups across the Middle East.

Macron is in Washington, in part, to convince Trump not to walk away from the deal and scuttle years-worth of hard won diplomatic gains.

Trump faces a May 12 deadline to decide on the fate of the accord.

April 24, 2018 | 06:15 PM