
Nepali teen gets golf lesson from Woods

Nepali teen gets golf lesson from Woods

April 26, 2018 | 01:40 AM
Tiger Woods coaching Pratima Sherpa at Medalist Golf Club in Jupiter, Florida, the United States.
Nepali teenager hoping to become her country’s first female professional golfer was given the opportunity of a lifetime on Tuesday after being invited to a private coaching clinic with Tiger Woods. Pratima Sherpa, 18, who is the subject of a recent ESPN documentary about her attempts to become a golfer, was given a 30-minute clinic with Woods at Medalist Golf Club in Jupiter, Florida. Former world number one Woods later wrote about his meeting with the teenager on Twitter. The clinic was set up with the help of Woods’ charitable foundation and ESPN.“Inspiring day working with my @TGRFound team and meeting Pratima Sherpa, an amazing young woman from Nepal,” Woods wrote. “We can all learn from her perseverance, hard work and determination.” “Pratima is simply incredible,” Woods added in separate remarks reported by ESPN. “I read her story and I was amazed. The chance to meet her and talk to her was really inspiring. It was great to witness her journey and to see the happiness she exudes.” Woods was made aware of Sherpa’s over a year ago when Golf Digest magazine ran a feature revealing her dream of playing professionally.The 14-time major champion wrote a letter of encouragement to the teenager after reading the story, ESPN reported. “The letter I received from Tiger inspires me to play well,” ESPN quoted her as saying on Tuesday. “I was surprised to receive the letter. Everyone knew about it but me.” According to Sherpa’s fundraising website - - the youngster was born and lives in a modest hut on the fourth hole of the Royal Nepal Golf Club. Her story was the subject of an ESPN documentary A Mountain to Climb, which premiered in New York last weekend.
April 26, 2018 | 01:40 AM