
Municipality Ministry gears up for holy month of Ramadan

Municipality Ministry gears up for holy month of Ramadan

May 08, 2018 | 09:38 PM
The Ministry of Municipality and Environment has announced plans to maintain hygiene during the holy month of Ramadan.
The Ministry of Municipality and Environment (MME) has announced a comprehensive plan to maintain hygiene in the country during the holy month of Ramadan, focusing on commercial streets, entertainment areas, the Corniche area, the central market, and the slaughterhouse.
The ministry noted that it has developed special plans and programmes to address issues such as temporary closures of some streets, traffic congestion and dumping of personal waste in the streets and public squares. Director of public hygiene programme at the Ministry of Municipality and Environment, Safar Mubarak al-Shafi, announced the preparations for the holy month, pointing out that the ministry would deploy sufficient number of waste containers and additional vehicles to clear excess waste.Al-Shafi added that containers would be placed at commercial streets, entertainment areas and the Corniche, besides the central market and the slaughterhouse to clear the large amount of waste.
Cleaning in progress on the Corniche.He added that the authorities would ensure provision of waste containers in all localities and waste would be collected daily by the ministry throughout the holy month, calling on the public to use garbage bags and throw waste in the allocated containers.He pointed out that the ministry's work schedule would take into account the rights of Muslim workers and drivers to worship. Work would cease during Iftar until the completion of Tarawih prayers. Also, the ministry would allocate working hours to Muslim staff in the evening so as to avoid field work during the day.
May 08, 2018 | 09:38 PM