
Al Bidda Park: Home to Qatar’s longboarding hub

Al Bidda Park

May 11, 2018 | 08:56 PM
Riders attack one of Al Bidda Park's elevated spots for a downhill race. PICTURE: Peter Alagos.
Since Al Bidda Park was reopened to the public on National Sport Day this year, it has become a part of several momentous events for many residents in the country. The park was the favourite venue for celebrations such as birthdays, reunions, team-building activities, fellowships and get-togethers, or even regular family weekend gatherings.
Among many other firsts, Al Bidda Park was the ideal spot for a longboarding race to celebrate the third anniversary of the Doha Longboard Crew (DLC), which gathered longtime and new members, as well as several members of the Doha Pinoy Shooters Club, who documented the event.
Members of the Doha Longboard Crew celebrate the group's third anniversary by staging a longboarding race at Al Bidda Park. PICTURE: Courtesy of Solomon Yuzon.Previously, DLC held longboarding races along the interior roads of Al Markhiya area but oftentimes the thoroughfares are busy with vehicular traffic, making the riders prone to safety hazards.“Al Bidda is a sprawling park making it an ideal venue for this type of sport, and because it is spacious, there are many areas suitable for races, so it is safe for both the riders and visitors, especially families,” said DLC member Jovanie Cabrera. Founding member Gustav Brandt stressed that the park offers refreshing new scenery.” And aside from safety, Brandt pointed out that Al Bidda is “a good spot” for longboarding.Another founding member, Olan Santos, said Al Bidda offers diverse spots that cater to beginners, intermediate, and advance riders.“There are plenty of flat surfaces that are ideal spots for freestyling and hilly stretches suitable for downhill races for all levels, freeriding, and sliding. These spots are all in one place and it is in the heart of Doha,” Santos explained.“We need more places like Al Bidda Park not just to promote longboarding but also to encourage both citizens and expatriates to engage in an active lifestyle. Parks such as Al Bidda not only provide entertainment and an escape from the hustle and bustle of city life but it helps educate people of the benefits of being in the outdoors,” he continued.Brandt claimed that, by far, DLC is a pioneering group that promotes longboarding in Qatar. “When we ride, people can get a scope of what longboarding is all about and we hope that more people would be interested to try the sport,” he said. Santos said: “DLC welcomes those who want to learn how to ride the longboard, especially children because the sport teaches a lot of life lessons and the value of perseverance, and being passionate about achieving one’s goals.”Cabrera said he hopes that authorities would someday organise a downhill event. “There’s a large hill somewhere in Dukhan, which could be an ideal spot for high speed races and similar challenges,” he said.
May 11, 2018 | 08:56 PM