
Greek mayor hurt after ‘far-right’ attack

Greek mayor hurt after ‘far-right’ attack

May 21, 2018 | 01:23 AM
Boutaris is kicked by a suspected far-right member as he is being escorted away from a rally in Thessaloniki on Saturday.
The mayor of Greece’s second city Thessaloniki was hospitalised early yesterday after an assault by suspected far-right members at a rally, officials said.Yiannis Boutaris, 75, had to be escorted from the event on Saturday commemorating the killing of Black Sea Greeks in Turkey during and after World War I, when members of the crowd turned violent.“They were hitting me everywhere. Kicks, punches, the lot,” Boutaris, who was discharged from hospital yesterday, told state agency ANA. “It was a despicable attack, but I am well.”Police said yesterday that they had detained two people in connection to the assault.Footage from the event shows Boutaris initially being heckled.As he starts to leave, people start throwing objects at him and at one point he falls to the ground.Some of the attackers then struck his car, smashing the rear window before it sped off.The office of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said that the attackers were “far-right thugs”.The incident was praised by the daughter of Greece’s neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn leader, Ourania Michaloliakou, who accused Boutaris of being “anti-Greek”.“Bravo to each and every person who did their duty in Thessaloniki today. Respect and a thousand bravos,” Michaloliakou tweeted on Saturday.A maverick politician, Boutaris has repeatedly angered hardliners in Greece with controversial statements on Macedonia, Turkey, and Israel.Among them is calling Kemal Ataturk, founder of the modern Turkish state and a hate figure in Greece, a “great leader”.He has also dismissed as “idiots” those opposing a compromise solution in Greece’s longstanding name row with neighbouring Macedonia.The incident was picked up by Turkish media.Hurriyet daily noted that Boutaris has called Turks “brothers” and has proposed renaming a central street in Thessaloniki after Ataturk, who was born in the city in 1881 and still draws Turkish visitors there.
May 21, 2018 | 01:23 AM