
India to resume military strikes on Kashmir militants

India to resume military strikes on Kashmir militants

June 17, 2018 | 11:55 AM
Indian paramilitary forces fire tear gas shells during clashes in Srinagar on Saturday. Clashes broke out after Eid prayers.
India said on Sunday it was resuming military operations against rebels in disputed Kashmir after a rare 30-day suspension for Ramadan expired, with a top minister blaming militant attacks.
Army operations were halted on May 16 at the start of the fasting month, despite a months-long escalation of violence in the Muslim-majority Himalayan region.Troops would stop the pursuit of militants and door-to-door house searches but would still retaliate if attacked, officials said at the time."While the security forces have displayed exemplary restraint during this period, the terrorists have continued with their attacks, on civilians and SFs (security forces), resulting in deaths and injuries," Home Minister Rajnath Singh said on Twitter."The security forces are being directed to take all necessary actions as earlier to prevent terrorists from launching attacks and indulging in violence," Singh added."The government of India decides not to extend the suspension of operations" in Jammu and Kashmir state, Singh's office said in a separate statement on Twitter. "The operations against terrorists to resume," it added.The government's suspension had failed to halt the mounting death toll in Indian-administered Kashmir.A youth died after being hit by a paramilitary vehicle during a demonstration. A number of militants and at least five soldiers or police were also killed in clashes.One young Indian soldier from Kashmir, who was on leave for the end of Ramadan, was abducted and murdered by suspected rebels.Prime Minister Narendra Modi held a cabinet meeting on Thursday to discuss whether to extend the initiative, amid a heated debate on the move. It was the first time in almost two decades that Indian authorities had suspended military operations against militants. The killing of the abducted soldier and the shooting last week of a leading Kashmir editor, Shujaat Bukhari, put pressure on the government to resume operations. The home minister said the suspension had been ordered "in the interests of the peace-loving people" of Kashmir "to provide them a conductive atmosphere to observe Ramadan".Violence in Kashmir has escalated since troops killed a top militant commander in 2016. Last year was the deadliest in the region for the past decade.
June 17, 2018 | 11:55 AM