
Hun Sen ‘finds recipe’ for victory in Cambodian poll

Hun Sen ‘finds recipe’ for victory in Cambodian poll

June 22, 2018 | 11:16 PM
Cambodiau2019s Prime Minister Hun Sen attends a rally with garment workers in Kandal province.
Drenched in sweat and more than an hour into a speech urging 16,000 garment factory workers to vote for the ruling party, Prime Minister Hun Sen of Cambodia revived the restless crowd by announcing that everyone would receive a cash gift.“Nephews and nieces, it is just a little,” he said as the audience cheered and applauded. “You each get 20,000 riels ($5) as a gift. For nieces who are pregnant, you each get an extra envelope.”Cambodians go to the polls on July 29 and Hun Sen, who has ruled Cambodia for more than 30 years, is trying to ensure victory after two close elections in 2013 and 2017 with cash inducements and a series of punishing measures against the opposition.In doing so, according to critics, he has delivered a hammer blow to Cambodia’s status as a liberal democracy, which is enshrined in the country’s constitution forged by a United Nations peace deal in 1991.Kem Sokha, the leader of the main opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP), was arrested in September for allegedly treasonous remarks in a speech made four years earlier.Two months later, the CNRP was dissolved and almost 5,000 of its elected officials replaced by members of the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP).Huy Vannak, undersecretary of state at the interior ministry, defended the cash payments at rallies, saying “it’s government money”. A CPP spokesman, Sok Eysan, however, said the party did not hand out money. Sophal Ear, a Cambodia analyst at Occidental College in Los Angeles, said Hun Sen, spooked by recent election setbacks, has “stacked the deck” to ensure victory.“He determined that the only way forward would be to retain power by any means necessary,” Sophal Ear said in emailed comments. “He is setting the stage for whatever may happen next but with him and his family in control, always.”At the rally, Hun Sen told the crowd he gave out cash gifts at all such events. While the gifts Reuters saw being handed out were mostly modest, the largesse in total would be considerable if all the 540,000 garment workers Hun Sen says he has addressed since last year received some cash.The National Election Committee, which is supposed to be independent, has supported Hun Sen’s practices.“As the head of the royal government, he has the right to organise things in society,” said Hang Puthea, a spokesman for the committee, when asked about the cash handouts.The CPP has also provided cash payments to members who make renewed pledges of allegiance to the party, according to a Voice of America report and copies of party documents seen by Reuters.Almost 2mn of 5.3mn registered CPP members didn’t vote in the national election of 2013.The CPP spokesman, Sok Eysan, said the low turnout was because many party members worked abroad.The close calls for the CPP in the 2013 national election and local elections in 2017, in which the CNRP received more than 40% of the vote, reflected two fundamental shifts in Cambodian society, said Caroline Hughes, an analyst at the University of Notre Dame.The first is the spread of the internet and social media; the second, a bulging youth demographic with no memory of the genocide and civil war that convulsed Cambodia for more than two decades. The younger generation is driven by economic concerns, she said.“They don’t work on the family farm like their parents. They work in factories - either in Phnom Penh or maybe Thailand or South Korea,” Hughes said. “This is a generation that is saying ‘what have you done for us’.”Many factory workers joined mass protests after the 2013 election amid claims of voting irregularities.At the recent Hun Sen rally, outside a factory on the outskirts of Cambodia’s capital, Phnom Penh, Hun Sen addressed a crowd of mainly young and female workers. As they sat in tents emblazoned with slogans of the CPP, Hun Sen’s message was that they had never had it so good.The minimum wage for factory workers and civil servants had more than doubled since the last election, he said, the dividend of the CPP securing peace and stability.“It’s good to hear what he has to say, to know what’s happening with wages,” said Khom Siem, a pregnant factory worker clutching an envelope which she said contained $200.“Under Hun Sen, it’s better. We have more benefits than before.”Other workers, who asked not to be identified, said variously that they had come for the money, a day off work and because their boss had ordered them to.
June 22, 2018 | 11:16 PM