
Over 400 Syrian ‘White Helmets’ flee to Jordan

Over 400 Syrian ‘White Helmets’ flee to Jordan

July 23, 2018 | 12:11 AM
Smoke rises across the border in Quneitra in southwestern Syria, as rebels destroy their arms stocks prior to their departure. Rebel fighters and civilians began on July 20 evacuating from Quneitra province on their way to opposition territory further north in Idlib province under a surrender deal agreed between Russia and the rebels, seeing the sensitive zone fall back under state control.
Hundreds of Syrian “White Helmet” rescue workers and their families fled advancing government forces and slipped over the border into Jordan overnight with the help of Israeli soldiers and Western powers, officials said.Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a brief video statement yesterday he had helped the evacuation at the request of US President Donald Trump and other leaders - and there had been fears that the workers’ lives were at risk.The group, known officially as Syria Civil Defence, has been widely hailed in the West and credited with saving thousands of people in rebel-held areas during years of bombing attacks by Damascus and its allies.Its members, known for their white helmets, say they are neutral.But Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his backers, including Russia, have dismissed them as Western-sponsored propaganda tools and proxies of insurgents.There was no immediate response from Damascus yesterday.A Jordanian government source said 422 people were brought from Syria, over the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights frontier and into Jordan, down from a figure of 800 announced earlier by the foreign ministry in Amman.The evacuees will be kept in a “closed” location in Jordan and resettled in Britain, Germany and Canada within three months, the source added.A second non-Jordanian source familiar with the agreement said the original plan had been to evacuate 800 people, but only 422 made it out as operations were hampered by government checkpoints and the expansion of Islamic State in the area.Syria and its Russian allies have launched an offensive on rebels in the sensitive southwestern border zone.Netanyahu said Trump, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and others had spoken to him recently asking for help in extracting the White Helmets.“The lives of these people, who have saved lives, were now in danger. I therefore authorised their transfer via Israel to other countries as an important humanitarian gesture,” Netanyahu said.Trump did not mention the operation during a series of tweets yesterday.Britain hailed the evacuation, saying it and other allies had requested it.“Fantastic news that we - UK and friends - have secured evacuation of White Helmets and their families - thank you Israel and Jordan for acting so quickly on our request,” tweeted British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt.German weekly magazine Bild, which broke news of the evacuation and published footage of buses used to transport the Syrians across Golan, said 50 of them would be granted asylum by Berlin.“Humanity dictates that many of these brave first-aiders should now find protection and refuge, some of them in Germany,” it quoted German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas as saying.A spokeswoman for the German interior ministry said Berlin would take in eight White Helmets plus their families.It was not immediately clear whether that amounted to the same 50 people.
July 23, 2018 | 12:11 AM