Mall of Qatar (MoQ) is showcasing the rich, colourful and vibrant culture of India on its Ooredoo stage with the Indian Beats performance, following the success of its Bollywood show last April.
According to MoQ, this exclusive production, combining music, dance, costumes and props, features the authentic Punjabi and Lezim Folk Dance with 20 professional artists.
The unique show began on August 6 and runs until August 18 with daily shows at 12.30pm, 5.30pm, and 8pm.
“At MoQ, we consistently strive to deliver amazing, extraordinary and free entertainment to excite and thrill our customers. We love being able to bring international acts to Qatar, and we know that our customers will enjoy the colour and vibrancy of the Indian Beats Show” MoQ CEO Stuart Elder said.
The performance with dhol artists from Punjab is known to be one of the most diverse and expressive cultures in India, featuring music and dance as an important component for showcasing it.
The dances of Punjab are the most energetic forms of performing arts that people will witness – the synchronisation found in the dances is simply outstanding. Almost all dances of the state are accompanied with a dhol.
The Lezim Folk Dance, which is well known for its varied cultures and traditions, is widely enjoyed by the people of Maharashtra where performers carry small jingling cymbals instrument.
The unique show began on August 6 and runs until August 18 with daily shows at 12.30pm, 5.30pm, and 8pm.
“At MoQ, we consistently strive to deliver amazing, extraordinary and free entertainment to excite and thrill our customers. We love being able to bring international acts to Qatar, and we know that our customers will enjoy the colour and vibrancy of the Indian Beats Show” MoQ CEO Stuart Elder said.
The performance with dhol artists from Punjab is known to be one of the most diverse and expressive cultures in India, featuring music and dance as an important component for showcasing it.
The dances of Punjab are the most energetic forms of performing arts that people will witness – the synchronisation found in the dances is simply outstanding. Almost all dances of the state are accompanied with a dhol.
The Lezim Folk Dance, which is well known for its varied cultures and traditions, is widely enjoyed by the people of Maharashtra where performers carry small jingling cymbals instrument.