
P3CC elects new office bearers

P3CC elects new office bearers

September 18, 2018 | 10:40 PM
Province 3 Co-ordination Council - Qatar (P3CC) recently elected its new office bearers in its first general assembly at Shalimar Restaurant. Samir K C has been elected as the new chairman of 29 member working committee. The event was attended by Dr Dev Kazi Dangol and Nanda Prasad Dhungana, community leaders, along with representatives from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Philippine communities. Hari Krishna Rimal welcomed the guests. The programme was hosted by Kabindra Kandel and Bishnu Bhandari. During the event, Sagar Nepal said that all Nepali should unite to make FIFA World Cup 2022 a successful affair.                    – Text and photos by Usha Wagle Gautam
September 18, 2018 | 10:40 PM