
IIS celebrates Language Day

IIS celebrates Language Day

September 18, 2018 | 10:47 PM
Various language departments of Ideal Indian School (IIS) recently celebrated Language Day as an aim to develop the language skills among the students, bring out their hidden linguistic talents and promote Hindi, Urdu, Malayalam, Arabic, French, Tamil, Kannada and Marathi.The event featured folk dances, skits, songs and speeches by the students of all the sections. Speaking on the occasion Syed Shoukath Ali, Principal of IIS, said that the mother tongue education is an important step in language learning for children which facilitates their better learning and connects them to their culture and traditions. He also motivated the students to learn more languages. Alby Mathew, Assistant Cultural Secretary Boys’ Section, welcomed the gathering and Sandhra Gireeshkumar, Assistant Cultural Secretary Girls’ Section, proposed a vote of thanks. Liya Mariyum Anagha Deleep and Sandhra Gireeshkumar, students of Grade –IX, anchored the programme.In Junior Section, the programme kicked off with a welcome speech by Sowbaghyalakshmi. Students of Arabic Department projected an infotainment presentation about the development and progress of Qatar, ‘State Rulers of Qatar and their Achievements’. The students studying French performed a skit ‘The Wind and the Sun’ with a moral stating that gentleness and kindness always wins. Hindi students also enacted a skit ‘Pedom ki Panchayath’, insisting on the protection of vegetation. ‘Kuttikalam oru Kusruthikkalam’ was a skit performed by Malayalam students, sharing a message on the importance of playing more interactive games rather than virtual games. A skit ‘Nandrea Saiga’ with a moral saying always do good to others was presented by Tamil students. Urdu students displayed their knowledge of the language with a skit ‘Truth Triumphs’. A song ‘Nachre Mora’ was also sung at the event by a group of Marathi students which was followed by ‘State Anthem of Karnataka’ sung by Kannada students. Shobana Menon, Vice Principal IIS, emphasised on the significance of learning different languages.
September 18, 2018 | 10:47 PM