
Qatar first among Arab nations to back UN groups: envoy

Qatar first among Arab nations to back UN groups: envoy

September 24, 2018 | 09:59 PM
UN Secretary General's humanitarian envoy Dr Ahmed bin Mohammed al-Muraikhi

UN Secretary General's humanitarian envoy Dr Ahmed bin Mohammed al-Muraikhi said that Qatar ranks first among the Arab countries in supporting the United Nations humanitarian organisations, and the most prominent among the countries of the world in providing support to humanitarian and relief organisations.

In an interview with a local daily, the UN humanitarian envoy revealed the opening of new offices for humanitarian organisations in Doha, noting that such step indicates Qatar's deepening relations with the United Nations.

He noted that Qatar has received approvals for a representative of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, and a representative of the UN Office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs in Doha.

Al-Muraikhi said that humanitarian action strategy is summarised in four axes: First, documenting partnerships between the UN and the government sector and civil society organizations, and informing countries how to communicate with UN organisations and implementing projects through these partnerships. Second, make states and non-governmental organisations aware of United Nations agencies working on the ground. Third, developing a vision for the modernisation of the policies of UN organisations, so as to be largely in line with donors' concerns and priorities. Fourth, expanding and activating the role of the humanitarian envoy.

On his role in Beirut towards the Syrian refugees, he said that after the 11th meeting of the Syrian donors held in Doha, he proposed that the 12th meeting be held in one of the neighboring countries of Syria, and Lebanon was chosen. The meeting was held on January 23, with the participation of delegations from 14 countries. It focused on field trips, the situation of the Syrian refugees and their camps. It was a real opportunity to inform the donors about the reality of the refugees' living conditions and to encourage them to increase grants.

Speaking about the role of Qatar in supporting Syrian refugees and displaced, the envoy said that Qatar is one of the most prominent supporters of the Syrian people at the official and popular levels.

On Qatar's contribution to Yemen, al-Muraikhi said that through the reports of the UN and its affiliated organisations, Qatar has also been one of the biggest supporters of the Yemeni people. “Doha has provided many material and in-kind grants, including the construction of hospitals, schools, roads and water systems serving the people. Qatar has also provided Unicef with $5mn to fight cholera in Yemen. (QNA)

September 24, 2018 | 09:59 PM