Mounting a fresh attack over the Rafale deal, the Congress yesterday alleged that the Modi government had shunted a senior official who had raised concerns over pricing and rewarded another official who had overruled him, saying there were “perks” for “pleasing” the government to cover its “corruption tracks.” 
The party also accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of “betraying” the nation over the deal to purchase 36 fighter jets from France.
Congress president Rahul Gandhi led the attack saying in a tweet that the government official who wanted to prevent “theft” was “fixed by the leader of thugs”.
Party leader Randeep Singh Surjewala said the government had shunted a whistleblower who raised issues concerning the price and paying “300% more” in the deal.
“The Modi government shunted the whistle-blower joint secretary (Air) who questioned the loss to government treasury by paying 300% extra for 36 Rafale.
“Director general Smita Nagaraj, who overruled the joint secretary, was made a member of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). Perks of pleasing Modi government cover corruption tracks,” Surjewala said attaching an Indian Express report along with his tweet.
At the party’s media briefing, its spokesperson Jaipal Reddy targeted the government stating that the “scam” was getting “thicker and thicker” and “curiouser and curiouser” with every passing day.
He also referred to the newspaper report and said that before the deal was formally signed in September 2016, the joint secretary and acquisition manager (Air) in the defence ministry had raised his objections.
Reddy said the first objection was on the benchmark price of the deal announced by the Modi government for the purchase of 36 Rafale jets, which had been pegged higher than the benchmark price for the deal negotiated by the United Progressive Alliance government.
He said the official also pointed out that Eurofighter, the second aircraft that had qualified in IAF trials, had offered to supply it at 20% price discount and wanted similar discount from Rafale.
“What happened. The joint secretary Rajiv Verma had to go on leave. In comes a superior officer who overrules the joint secretary who went on leave,” he said.
Reddy said the government should come out with a response contradicting or confirming the report.
“Look at the manipulation. After all this, the process of ratification of the agreement was delayed by more than one year. It was ratified in September 2016 whereas the deal was announced in April 2015. It is an order of Rs600bn. You are paying Rs410bn more and took more than one year to ratify,” he said.
He claimed that the “scam” is unfolding and added that the Indian Air Force needed 126 aircraft but the government purchased only 36. “What has happened to the remaining 90 aircraft? How will we be prepared if we are not equipped at the minimum level in respect of ‘AF’,” he said.
Reddy said he was not aware of any major defence commercial pact being ratified after the deal was signed. “After the deal was announced by the head of the government, what option the subordinates were left with?”

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