
Qatar-Turkey trade set to reach $2bn by end-2018

Qatar-Turkey trade set to reach $2bn by end-2018

October 08, 2018 | 09:34 PM
Turkish Deputy Minister of Trade Gonca Yilmaz Batur

Trade exchange between Ankara and Doha is expected to reach about $2bn by the end of this year, up from around $1.5bn in the first eight months of 2018, Turkish Deputy Minister of Trade Gonca Yilmaz Batur has said.

During the opening session of the International Products Exhibition and Conference (IPEC) in Doha on Monday, Batur called for deepening economic relations between Qatar and Turkey and promoting them towards having stronger and more resilient prospects.

She said this would positively affect the volume of trade exchange between the two countries, which had "already grown remarkably" and amounted to $1.3bn in 2017, driven by several bilateral agreements and partnerships. She pointed to a new agreement to be signed between Qatar and Turkey in December in this regard.

Batur praised the strategic ties between her country and Qatar that have been developed into a fraternal relationship, praising in this regard the $15bn investment package announced by Qatar.

She stressed that the two countries have developed a solid ground for promoting these investments to contribute to building a long-term economic relationship in various economic fields.

Batur highlighted Turkey's economic and investment advantages and noted that it had witnessed significant growth over the past 15 years. She added that Turkey has achieved growth rates over the past two years that are described as the biggest among the Group of 20 countries, following its launch of an economic programme based on stability, discipline and transformation.

October 08, 2018 | 09:34 PM