
Intertec Group announces partnership with Lexmark

Intertec Group announces partnership with Lexmark

October 27, 2018 | 11:12 PM
Officials at the customer event.
Intertec Group, a leading IT distributor of printers, mobiles, tablets and IT products in the Qatar market, has announced that Lexmark International as its authorised business partner and expert service partner.Lexmark International and Intertec Group announced their partnership at a customer event held in Doha recently for the benefit of channel partners and large account customers in Qatar.The meet, which was designed to make channel partners and corporate customers aware of the company’s latest product innovations and range of individually designed solutions, received an enthusiastic response with more than 60 customers attending, according to a press statement.“Intertec Group has an established reputation in the ICT industry and has since grown and expanded over the last 25 years into a multidivisional organisation with diverse business units, a factor that makes them an ideal partner for Lexmark to widen the business,” the statement notes.Asraf N K, division manager at Intertec Group, officially invited its corporate customers and dealers to the event on behalf of Lexmark and Intertec Group.In his speech, he expressed Intertec’s prospects for Lexmark printers and business printing solutions as well as the confidence in the Qatar market.He was motivated by Intertec’s knowhow in the industry and the crew of professionals in marketing, sales and the well-trained service engineers. Moreover, he gave assurances to customers on delivering the best support.The event was also addressed by Cedric Hamel, Lexmark’s EEMEA regional director, channel sales manager along with representatives from Intertec Group. Customers were given a refresher demo on the brand’s USP and tools that set them apart from their competitors.They were also briefed on Lexmark product solutions, its Total Cost of Operations approach and solutions for control customer printing costs, while being taken through a tutorial on Lexmark’s inherent capabilities in hardware and the development of customised solutions.The event achieved its goal of creating greater interaction with partners and customers, the statement added.
October 27, 2018 | 11:12 PM