
Civic ministry participates in Blue Economy Conference

Civic ministry participates in Blue Economy Conference

November 29, 2018 | 10:48 PM
The Ministry of Municipality and Environment participated in the Fourth Sustainable Blue Economy Conference, which was held in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi, in the presence of many delegations and organisations, aiming to promote modern techniques of water resources from sea and rivers and other challenges.The ‘blue economy’ term means good management of water resources and the protection of the seas and oceans in a sustainable manner to preserve them for present and future generations.The conference discussed a number of relevant themes such as climate change, pollution control, marine life protection, climate protection and sustainable development of the blue economy as a catalyst for the development of mechanisms and actions that support food security and the sustainable development of water resources.The Assistant Undersecretary for Environment Affairs at the Ministry of Municipality and Environment Eng. Ahmed Mohamed al-Sada, stressed that the conference is a clear indication of the international community’s keenness to preserve the oceans, seas, lakes and rivers in a manner that ensures the sustainability of its resources, to ensure benefit for present and future generations.In his speech at the conference, al-Sada said that Qatar, keen on the importance of contributing globally to the optimal use of water resources, has enacted legislation to preserve groundwater, regulate the use of seawater and make the protection of water resources one of the most important development strategies, as well as the implementation of many programmes that support the path of development in a way that reflects the aspirations of the people of Qatar and its future generations.Al-Sada called for co-operation in order to reduce the negative impacts facing the oceans and water, from plastic pollution, and the effects of climate change at all national, regional and global levels by developing and implementing strategies, initiatives, plans of action and programmes to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Plan suitable to the national circumstances of each country, in a way that achieves the principle of common but differentiated responsibility for the preservation of water and pushing our world towards a better and sustainable future.Al-Sada stressed that the conference provided an opportunity for discussions and consultations among countries to develop a sustainable blue economy strategy for harnessing and using water resources in a proper manner, noting that such efforts would help all States, especially the developing ones, to promote their progress in the social, economic and environmental fields.
November 29, 2018 | 10:48 PM