
2nd Qatar-US Strategic Dialogue reaffirms strength of bilateral ties

2nd Qatar-US Strategic Dialogue reaffirms strength of bilateral ties

January 15, 2019 | 12:48 AM
The governments of Qatar and the United States held the second Strategic Dialogue in Qatari Doha on January 13, 2019. HE Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mohamed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani chaired the meeting along with US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo, with ranking officials from the two sides attending.  At the end of the strategic dialogue, the two countries issued a joint statement saying that they discussed numerous aspects of their strong bilateral ties, including regional security and defence co-operation, education and culture, law enforcement and counterterrorism partnerships, commercial and energy co-operation, and labour issues.   The two countries welcomed this Second Annual Strategic Dialogue, the first in Doha, and reviewed the significant progress since the first Strategic Dialogue was held in Washington, DC, in January 2018. They highlighted the strength of the bilateral relationship and the opportunities to further deepen our co-operation to benefit both countries. The two sides also signed on Sunday three memoranda of understanding (MoUs) and a Statement of Intent (SoI). Qatar and the United States expressed strong support for the expansion of bilateral relations evinced by high-level meetings in 2018 between His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani and US President Donald J Trump; HE Qatar’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohamed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani and US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo; HE Qatar’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for Defence Affairs Khalid bin Mohamed al-Attiyah and US Secretary of Defence James Mattis, in addition to an exchange of other ministerial-level visits to Washington and Doha. These high-level diplomatic engagements highlight the two nations’ shared commitment to advance co-operation and promote global peace and prosperity. The two governments expressed concern about the detrimental security, economic, and human impacts of the Gulf crisis on the region. Qatar highlighted its appreciation for the constructive role played by the United States in support of the efforts of the Amir of Kuwait to resolve the dispute.  Qatar and the United States also affirmed their continued support for a strong and united Gulf Co-operation Council (GCC) that is focused on promoting a peaceful and prosperous future for all the people of the region and on countering regional threats. HE Qatar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Secretary-General Dr Ahmed bin Hassan al-Hammadi and US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Arabian Peninsula and Regional and Multilateral Affairs Timothy Lenderking discussed potential mechanisms to address wider regional challenges beyond the Gulf, including establishing a Middle East Strategic Alliance (MESA) between the United States and its Gulf and regional partners.The two governments discussed regional security, including: joint efforts to defeat ISIS, finding a lasting resolution to the conflicts in Syria, Libya, and Yemen, as well as political developments in Iraq; and efforts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The United States also recognised Qatar’s active leadership and mediation to promote peace and reconciliation among all parties in Afghanistan and Sudan. The US shared Qatar’s concern about recent developments in Gaza and the need for tangible steps to improve humanitarian and economic conditions.The United States acknowledged Qatar’s generous humanitarian role bilaterally and multilaterally through the work of various UN agencies, in the form of a $500mn multi-year assistance pledge, including $8mn annually between 2019 and 2023 to support forcibly displaced populations, and assist refugees including millions of vulnerable young children and women.  Among the primary beneficiaries will be the UN Development Programme, Unicef, UNRWA, the World Food Programme, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Special Purpose Trust Fund, the UNSC Counterterrorism Committee, and Department of Political Affairs, among others.   Qatar and the United States emphasised the vital contribution their defence partnership provides for the security and stability of the region. This strong and lasting partnership is key to successfully combating terrorism, countering violent extremism, and deterring external aggression. US officials lauded Qatar’s contributions in supporting the strategic US military presence in Qatar under the US Central Command. Chairman of Military Co-operation Authority Brigadier General (Pilot) Fahad al-Sulaiti, and US Principal Director for Middle East Policy, Office of the Secretary of Defense Jennifer Zakriski participated in sessions on defence co-operation.  The two governments reaffirmed their commitment to the Joint Declaration on Security Co-operation to promote peace and stability and counter the scourge of terrorism. The United States welcomed Qatar’s generous offer to expand critical facilities at bases used by US forces in the country and to align operating procedures at these bases with Nato standards, thereby increasing the operational capability of US and coalition forces based in Qatar. The US and Qatar signed an MoU enabling deeper co-ordination on potential expansion at Al Udeid Air Base. Qatar’s offers to fund capital expenditures and sustainment affords the possibility of a more enduring US presence.  Both countries noted the recent expansion of the bilateral maritime partnership, including the visit by the largest US naval ship to ever come to Qatar in October 2018. Qatar’s Navy and Coast Guard represent the largest maritime contribution in the 33-nation Combined Maritime Force (CMF) Task Force-152 led by the US Navy’s Fifth Fleet and continue to be high value partners and members. These missions increase regional security by providing a visible presence and deterrent to maritime crime in the Arabian Gulf.The two governments discussed the $26bn Foreign Military Sales (FMS) programme that currently exists between the United States and Qatar. Qatar highlighted the continued opportunity for US partnership in developing Qatar’s Expeditionary Amphibious Capability, Joint Special Forces expansion, as well as an improved ability to defend against external aggression and to better operate alongside US and Nato military forces in coalition operations. In 2018, the US Navy and Marine Corps hosted a Qatar Naval delegation to the United States to showcase US expeditionary amphibious operations, and both nations conducted amphibious exercise Eastern Maverick for the first time since 2012.The two governments acknowledged their strong and lasting bilateral security partnership, and look forward to further discussions on the possibility of more enduring basing. HE the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mohamed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani and the US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo signed the MoU in the field of education to continue building and sustaining key partnerships in the fields of primary, secondary, and higher education; English and Arabic language instruction; student advising; promoting academic exchange; and facilitating a wide range options of study abroad that enable students to achieve their personal and professional goals.  HE the Under Secretary of Education Dr Ibrahim bin Saleh al-Nuaimi and US Assistant Secretary for Educational and Cultural Affairs Marie Royce participated in sessions on culture and education.Both governments underscored the significance of co-operation in the fields of education and culture, as evidenced by their inclusion for the first time in the Strategic Dialogue and by the signing of the first bilateral MoU and SoI in education and cultural co-operation. Both countries expressed the importance of continued mutual co-operation in these fields, agreeing to continue working through the US Department of State’s Bureau of Education and Culture. The US also praised Qatar Foundation and its affiliates for their important work on joint educational, research and cultural programmes with leading American institutions, both in Doha through Education City and in the United States. In recognition of the bilateral co-operation in the field of culture, the two governments also signed a Statement of Intent (SOI) to work together to enhance cultural understanding and people-to-people connections between the US and Qatar, in order to foster mutual understanding, promote intercultural dialogue, and support the shared ideals of tolerance and appreciation for diversity.  As a result of the SoI, both parties will encourage cultural programming, cultural dialogue, cultural and professional exchange programmes, programmes that support and engage youth, and both parties will support the work of individuals and organisations who are committed to enhancing cultural understanding between the US and Qatar.  In the field of counterterrorism and law enforcement partnerships, Qatar’s Chairman of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee Major General Abdul Aziz al-Ansari chaired a session with US Co-ordinator for Counterterrorism Ambassador Nathan Sales on law enforcement and counterterrorism partnerships.Qatar emphasised, during the session, the significant role of the US in the region and its contributions to countering terrorism and violent extremism. The United States thanked Qatar for its continued efforts to counter terrorism, counter the financing of terrorism, and prevent violent extremism in all forms. Both sides intend to strengthen their security and counterterrorism (CT) partnership to eradicate terrorism and violent extremism.    The United States welcomed Qatar’s commitment to provide $75mn over five years to the work of the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism, including its efforts to help member-states develop and implement advance passenger information and passenger name record systems in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 2396.They reviewed the progress made under the terms of the MoU on Counterterrorism signed on July 11, 2017, and the second bilateral CT Dialogue convened in Doha September 5, 2018, including the 2018 Joint Action Plan to implement provisions on border security, information sharing, countering the financing of terrorism, anti-money laundering, aviation security, cybersecurity, and judicial capacity building.  Qatar and the US hailed the start of a robust slate of Anti-Terrorism Assistance training that began in November 2018 that will consist of 33 courses over the next four years and will provide the Ministry of Interior and Internal Security Forces with enhanced skills and abilities to detect and defeat threats from transnational terrorist and criminal organisations, with special focus on supporting Qatar’s security preparations to host the FIFA World Cup in 2022.The two governments also noted progress on a bilateral LoI on Cybersecurity Co-operation signed at the first Strategic Dialogue by Qatar’s Ministry of Transport and Communications and the US Department of State. The LoI resulted in exchanges of Qatari and US cybersecurity experts and officials last year, the participation of a US cybersecurity expert in Qatar Central Banks FinTech conference, and opened avenues for increased information sharing between Qatar’s Computer Emergency Readiness Team (Q-CERT) and its US counterpart.Qatar and the United States reaffirmed the need to address violent extremism through preventive frameworks. They underscored the role that both countries play in supporting the Global Counterterrorism Forum (GCTF) and the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF) as well as QFFD leadership in transparency of developmental assistance and Qatar’s active membership of the Middle East North Africa Financial Action Task Force (MENAFATF). In terms of trade, investment & energy co-operation Qatar Petroleum Director for International Engagement HE Sheikh Mishal bin Jabor al-Thani participated in a session on energy co-operation with US Deputy Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette and Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Resources Frank Fannon.HE the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry Sultan bin Rashid al-Khater participated in the session on commercial co-operation along with US Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs Manisha Singh and US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Treasury for Africa and the Middle East Eric Meyer. The two governments acknowledged the challenges facing Qatar as a result of the Gulf crisis. They also stressed the importance of maintaining freedom of navigation, overflight, and unimpeded lawful commerce in accordance with international law.Both countries also underscored their commitment to boosting trade and investment and noted the growing strength of bilateral trade relations. Qatar confirmed that the United States is its top import partner, representing 18% of all imports to Qatar in 2018.Qatar and the United States welcomed the role of US companies in Qatar’s development and of Qatari investment in US firms and jobs. The Qatari delegation outlined successful implementation of reforms designed to attract foreign investment in Qatar, including free trade zones and expanding business ownership for non-citizens.The two governments recognised Qatar Investment Authoritys (QIA) previous commitment to invest $45bn in American firms, real estate, and jobs. QIA Chief Executive Mansour al-Mahmoud described plans to increase Qatari investments in American infrastructure.The two governments expressed their mutual desire to build upon the momentum of their MoU to enhance co-operation between Qatar and the US in the energy sector. Both governments recognised the importance of Qatar Petroleum’s (QP) announcement of a planned investment in the United States over the next five years valued at $20bn. They also welcomed recent moves by a number of US energy companies to establish offices in Qatar to support joint ventures with Qatargas and Nakilat.Delegations from the two countries met separately to discuss civil aviation matters, during which they reaffirmed the commitments by both governments to financial transparency and to putting business with state-owned enterprises on commercial terms set out in the Understandings initially announced on January 30, 2018. Those Understandings sought to ensure healthy competition in the global aviation sector while preserving the Open Skies relationship between the United States and Qatar.As for co-operation in the labour field, Undersecretary of Administrative Development, Labour and Social Affairs Mohamed Hassan al-Obaidly participated along with US Deputy Undersecretary of Labour for International Affairs Martha Newton in a session on labour issues. Both sides acknowledged recent progress and commitments made by Qatar on combating human trafficking and advancing labour rights. Under the framework of the US-Qatar Anti-Trafficking MoU signed during last years Strategic Dialogue, Qatar and the government of the United States have undertaken over a dozen joint initiatives to build capacity, raise awareness, and promote labour rights. To further bolster these positive developments, this year the two governments look forward to signing an MoU to expand collaboration with a specific focus on strengthening Qatar’s labour inspectorate and helping to address the challenges facing domestic workers.The two countries emphasised the importance of their continued partnership which benefits the interests of both countries, as well as the security and prosperity of the Gulf region. They also stressed that the strategic dialogue underlined the commitment of Qatar and the US to increase co-operation in fields that provide the greatest mutual and practical benefit. Such co-operation includes the issues discussed today but also incorporates important work in the fields of health, food safety, intellectual property rights, nuclear safeguards and more.The statement added that Qatar and the US remain committed to dialogue and long-term co-operation on political issues, consolidating state-of-the-art defence facilities, combating terrorism and violent extremism in all its forms, countering the financing of terrorism, expanding their trade and investment partnerships, and enhancing educational and cultural co-operation.The two sides agreed to hold the first working group in April of 2019, and look forward to reviewing progress in these areas at the next Strategic Dialogue in Washington in 2020.
January 15, 2019 | 12:48 AM