
Korean artist presents her ‘hide and seek’ work at solo exhibition

Korean artist presents her ‘hide and seek’ work at solo exhibition

March 19, 2019 | 02:45 AM
INAUGURATION: Chang-mo Kim, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea, second from left, and Grace Hye, fourth from left, inaugurating the exhibition with guests. Photos by Nasar T K
It was a show of a variety of creative skills by one person. The paintings, fashion designs, and ceramics bespoke of the talent of the artist cum designer.Chung Hye Yeon, better known as Grace Hye, is a South Korean artist and fashion designer. The 32-year-old entrepreneur recently organised her first solo exhibition showcasing paintings, dress designs and ceramics.Her works showed that she is at home both in art and fashion. Her art finds inspiration in everyday events. It influences her creation of clothing and related accessories. It is fashion detourned (rerouted) by art, a new way of sharing the vision of an artist and a new way to bring beauty to everyday life.The exhibition ‘Graceful Art & Fashion Exhibition by Grace Hye’ was inaugurated by Chang-mo Kim, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Qatar, at the gallery of Fraser Suites. The ambassador first cut a cake to mark the event and then a ribbon to formally inaugurate the exhibition.Art, fashion admirers and friends of the exhibitor gathered at the inaugural ceremony in large numbers. They took keen interest in the abstract paintings, distinct dress designs and the colourful and shiny ceramics of Grace. The people gathered at the gallery for over three hours as they got indulged in socialising and networking.Speaking to Community on the occasion, Ambassador Kim said: “I am very happy to join the opening of the exhibition by a South Korean artist and fashion designer. She is very good in drawing details. I can see now that why she says that she plays hide and seek in her paintings. It is also enjoyable to find out something hidden in the art works. It is a kind of big asset for her as she has two big cultural backgrounds. She has studied in two countries, Korea and France. May be this has been her good motive to create very good art works.“As far as her fashion designing goes, it is very elegant. I think the ladies in the Middle East countries may like her fashion style. I hope she can be very successful in this area. This is very lucky for us to have her here.”When asked about more exhibitions by Korean artists in Doha, the ambassador said: “Yes, it can be a very good opportunity for Korean artists to come here. Doha has fast becoming a centre of art and culture activities and I hope that the Korean artists may start coming here. The potential is huge here and also in Korea regarding different genres of the art. Our embassy is trying to promote Korean culture and art.”Grace Hye said: “I thank all for coming to the opening of my exhibition. You have made me very proud and happy. Special thanks to the Korean ambassador to Qatar. I am very honoured by his presence. I thank Fraser Suites for offering me to have my solo exhibition. I am also thankful to my fellow members at MAPS International for their support and encouragement.“The exhibition will continue till April 1. I see people taking keen interest in my paintings on the paper with the Chinese ink and a mix media. It is a very different style. It is a hide and seek style. When I explained my works to the visitors, they find something new in the paintings. I got the ceramic pieces from Spain, and it has my work on them. The pieces are very interesting for the visitors. They have been loving the fashion designs also.” Commenting on the artistry of Grace, Sana Hassan, a Pakistani artist based in Doha, said: “I came across Grace during Qatar International Arts Festival held last year by MAPS International. She is also a member of the artists’ community. I admire her work both as an artist and a fashion designer. She has mixed up all of her ideas and presented so well. It is actually soothing for the eyes to see intricate ink work. All of her decoration pieces are very unique. I think we need to continue encouraging artists to exhibit their creative works and bring forward their ideas.”
March 19, 2019 | 02:45 AM