
Evenings well-lit and fully lived

Evenings well-lit and fully lived

April 02, 2019 | 01:52 AM
Photo by Kamran Rehmat
Lighting displays have this magnetic quality about them; they can lure all comers, young and old, to hold them in thrall. The Aspire Wonderland Festival over the past few days has been no different as visitors flocked in their thousands to the famed park to enjoy fantasy characters come to life. While colourful lights drawn on fabled characters made the evenings all their own, the biggest attraction undoubtedly, remained the spectacular dancing fountain, which stole the show in the proverbial might-is-right mould. Amid electrifying lights and fire beams taking off, characters from a world of fantasy and folk tales appeared out of thin air to delight the gazers. It so fascinated them that many flocked to it again and again between breaks!Open to the general public for free meant people drove in droves with the only bottlenecks being the surge in traffic on the roads leading up to the venue. No matter; everyone seemed to have their fill with enough high‘lights’ to brag about. Cameras and smartphones were therefore predictably, pressed into service and flashes of light mingled with flashes of memories of evenings well-lit and fully lived. 
April 02, 2019 | 01:52 AM