Singer-songwriter Jim Paredes admitted to being in a private video that had gone viral on social media after initially denying it.
In a statement released on his personal blog, Paredes said that while the video was real, it was not supposed to be distributed publicly.
“The video was real,” he wrote. “It was private, and not meant for public consumption. I do not know how it became public. I can only surmise that in this ugly season of toxic politics, muckrakers determined to neutralise my influence by violating my privacy and digging up dirt on me are at work.”
Initially, Paredes dismissed the viral video as “fake”, when it was shared on social media.
“When I saw it on social media, I was in a quandary how to respond. But after mulling and praying over it, I decided to come clean,” Paredes wrote. “There are already too many lies and liars in this world. I do not wish to be a part of that cabal. I have chosen to be truthful because I know that painful as the truth can be, it will eventually set me free.”
He later apologised for the video.
“I am not saying this to excuse what, I regret, was broadcast on social media,” he wrote. “I have always expressed my feelings freely. Today, I wish to express my truth. I am a flawed person, a human being, much like everyone else. I made a mistake, I was irresponsible. And I am truly sorry.”
Paredes’ friends and supporters came to his defence on Twitter.
“Laughing at my friend Jim Paredes and his predicament doesn’t make you, video thieves and sharers, any better than him,” tweeted singer Leah Navarro. “The lengths you went through to reveal his private data are criminal and you should be charged. You violated his privacy. Karma boomerangs big time.”
“The real scandal here is that someone took his *private* video and uploaded it without his permission,” tweeted lawyer Jego Ragragio. “Will the uploader admit? Also, what are they trying to distract us from this time? What other issues does Duterte have now?”
Paredes is a known critic of the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte.
The viral video, which showed Paredes allegedly doing lewd acts, have been making the rounds on social media since Sunday. This video came, amidst the removal of over 200 Facebook and Instagram pages and accounts that were supportive of Duterte administration.

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