
'Libya needs political solution'

FM holds talks with German counterpart

April 11, 2019 | 11:17 PM
Sheikh Mohamed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani and German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas address a press conference in Berlin on Thursday

HE the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohamed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani on Thursday affirmed that Qatar and Germany have agreed that political solution is the best way to solve the Libyan issue, and not a military solution.

He also hoped that wisdom will prevail to end the Gulf crisis.

Addressing a a joint press conference with German Foreign Minster Heiko Maas, Sheikh Mohamed bin Abdulrahman said that their talks were fruitful and constructive, and dealt with bilateral relations, economic co-operation, the Gulf crisis, the Palestinian issue, the situation in Libya and a number of regional and international issues of common concern.

He added that the meeting was part of the continuous co-operation and close relations between Qatar and Germany for more than four decades.

He said the talks touched on the follow-up to the visit of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani to Germany last year.

Qatar and Germany have an important economic partnership, Sheikh Mohamed bin Abdulrahman said, referring to the Qatari investments in Germany, and praising the role of German companies in Qatar.

On the Gulf crisis, he expressed Qatar's appreciation for the German position demanding the preservation of GCC.

He expressed teh hope that an atmosphere of wisdom would prevail to put an end to the crisis and affirmed Qatar's support for Kuwaiti mediation efforts led by the Amir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah.

Sheikh Mohamed bin Abdulrahman reiterated Qatar's willingness for unconditional dialogue, which must be in accordance with international laws and does not violate the sovereignty of any country and not at the expense of the dignity of any country, adding "it is our dispersed peoples who are paying the price."

He said Qatar remains hopeful that there will be a strong GCC in the future, but there must be honest intentions ahead of any solution.

He said the talks with teh German foreign minister dealt with co-ordination between the two countries in security in the region under the German presidency of the UN Security Council, stressing that the two countries share identical views on working to prevent conflicts and to resolve them as soon as possible.

HE the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs noted that the meeting discussed the Palestinian cause, which is the main issue in the Middle East, the role of Qatar and Germany in supporting the peace process in the Middle East and the humanitarian projects in Gaza, and expressed thanks for the constructive German role in helping Palestinians.

On the situation in Libya, he stressed that the meeting discussed the situation in that country and the escalation carried out by Haftar forces to try to impose a new political reality through military actions and the role of Germany through its presidency of the UN Security Council in stopping the military escalation and to return to the political track.

He also stressed that the Government of National Accord is the legitimate Libyan government and called on all countries not to use double standards in dealing with troops at the expense of legitimacy.

earlier, HE the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs met Norbert Rottgen, chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Policy of the German parliament (Bundestag).

During the meeting, they discussed bilateral relations and means of supporting them, in addition to a number of issues of common concern.

April 11, 2019 | 11:17 PM