
The month of the Qur’an

The month of the Qur’an

May 07, 2019 | 12:26 AM
Nowadays, we live in a time in which many ideologies exist - a time of confrontations with different misconceptions, challenges and questions that are often witnessed, heard and repeated. Each one of us in this world, regardless of his/her position, needs something at times to strengthen him, help him stay steadfast and increase his faith and reliance on Allah so he can face strong desires and new challenges as firm as mountains that are unaffected by strong winds or earthquakes.When a person feels lonely, or a problem occurs, when things are bad, when he is about to give up hope on the Mercy of Allah, or when he does wrong; he needs what guides him through such conditions to help him solve the problem, to remind him of the Mercy of Allah and to warn him when he does wrong.Unless a person heads in the right direction with his entire body (his feelings, heart and limbs) towards the Book of Allah, by reading it, contemplating its verses and practising what it contains, then one cannot hope to be steadfast and strong in his faith. He will not feel secure from being punished. He cannot expect a promise to be fulfilled nor to be mentioned or remembered after his death.The Qur’an is the pure spring that never depletes, the great treasure that does not diminish from use, rather it only increases. Its repetition and recitation add to its sweetness and encourage one to read from it again. The Qur’an is the Word of Allah that cannot be likened to any other words. It is protected from falsehood being entered into it from any direction. It was sent down by The All-Wise, Worthy of all praise, Allah, Glory be to Him, Who took it upon Himself to protect it so no one can add to it or subtract from it. It cannot be increased or decreased. It is written in a Preserved Book (in Arabic: Al Lawh Al Mahfooth). It is easy to learn and is often contemplated, memorised, and recited. Allah Says (what means): “And We have indeed made the Qur’an easy to understand and remember, then is there any that will remember?” [Qur’an 54: 17]Anyone, young or old, can memorise it even non-Arabic speaking people. It is not burdensome to read or recite repeatedly. Due to its sweetness, no one gets bored listening to the Qur’an. Scholars never have enough pondering over it, educating themselves from it and learning more of its meanings. Neither mankind nor jinn can produce a chapter that resembles it, because it is an eternal miracle and proof. Allah, Glory be to Him, Commanded us to recite it and to reflect upon it. He made it a blessing as well as blessed.Allah Says (what means): “[This is] a blessed Book which We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], that they might reflect upon its verses and that those of understanding would be reminded.” [Qur’an 38: 29]The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, said: “He who recites or reads a letter from the Book of Allah gets a reward and the reward is multiplied by ten. I don’t mean ‘Alif Laam Meem’ is a letter, rather, Alif is a letter, Laam is a letter and Meem is a letter.” [At-Tirmithi] Allah gave a certain position to those who memorise and work according to it -- a position that makes one different from other people. The Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam,  said: “The best amongst you are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it to others.” [Al-Bukhari].He, sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, also said: “The example of the believer who reads the Qur’an is like the “Utrujjah” (a type of fruit). It has a nice smell and a sweet taste. The example of the believer who does not read or recite the Qur’an is like a date, which has no smell but tastes sweet. The example of a hypocrite who reads the Qur’an is like the Rayhannah, it smells nice but it tastes bitter. The example of the hypocrite who does not read the Qur’an is like the Hanthalah (colocynth) which does not have any smell and it tastes bitter” [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]Article source:
May 07, 2019 | 12:26 AM