
World hopes N Korea-US talks can succeed, says Xi

World hopes N Korea-US talks can succeed, says Xi

June 20, 2019 | 10:56 PM
People in Seoul watch a television news screen showing North Korean leader Kim Jong-un welcoming Chinese President Xi Jinping at Pyongyang airport yesterday.
The world hopes North Korea and the United States can talk to each other and for those talks to be successful, Chinese President Xi Jinping told North Korean leader Kim Jong-un yesterday, praising Pyongyang’s efforts towards denuclearisation. Xi is visiting China’s reclusive neighbour North Korea, seeking to bolster a longtime ally hit by UN sanctions over its nuclear and missile programmes, a week before Xi and US President Donald Trump meet amid a bitter trade dispute.Xi, whose entourage includes the head of China’s state economic planner, will be in North Korea for two days, the first Chinese leader to visit in 14 years, and could bring fresh support measures for its floundering, sanctions-bound economy. Kim Jong-un and his wife, Ri Sol-ju, greeted Xi at the airport, Chinese state TV said. Kim’s sister, Kim Yo-jong, and officials who played prominent roles in recent nuclear talks with the United States were also on hand.Xi was driven through Pyongyang in a convertible car, standing with Kim at his side, and greeted warmly by massed, cheering crowds on his way to the Kumsusan Palace of the Sun, a complex that serves as the mausoleum for North Korea’s founder, Kim Il-sung, the report said.Xi told Kim he had come to consolidate a traditional friendship and to promote the political process for a resolution of the Korean peninsula issue, it added. Xi “positively appraised” North Korea’s efforts to safeguard peace and stability on the peninsula and promote denuclearisation, state television said.“The situation on the Korean peninsula concerns regional peace and stability,” the report paraphrased Xi as telling Kim at their formal meeting. “The international community hopes that North Korea and the United States can talk and for the talks to get results.”Since a failed summit between US President Donald Trump and Kim in Hanoi earlier this year, Pyongyang has resumed some weapons tests and warned of “truly undesired consequences” if the United States is not more flexible. China is willing to provide what help it can to resolve North Korea’s reasonable security and development concerns, Xi said.Kim told Xi that in the last year or so North Korea had taken many positive steps to avoid tensions. “But these didn’t get a positive response from the relevant side. This is not something North Korea wished to see,” Chinese television cited Kim as saying. North Korea is willing to exercise patience, and at the same time hopes the relevant side can meet North Korea halfway, seek a solution that accords with both sides’ reasonable concerns, and promote results for the talks process of the peninsula issue.”China is the North’s only major ally and the visit comes amid renewed tension on the Korean peninsula as the United States seeks to persuade Pyongyang to give up its nuclear weapons, which it pursued for years in defiance of UN Security Council resolutions.The trip is also an assertion of a key leverage point that China has in its deteriorating relationship with the United States, diplomats say. “Comrade Xi Jinping is the face of crucial and grave tasks due to complex international relations, which clearly shows the Chinese party and the government place high significance on the friendship,” the North’s official Rodong Sinmun newspaper said.The trip highlights two-way ties that “never waver despite any headwinds,” and strengthens “blood ties” between the two peoples, it added in a front page commentary. Xi is also expected to pay tribute at the Friendship Tower, which commemorates Chinese troops who fought together with North Koreans during the 1950-53 Korean War. The conflict ended in a truce, not a treaty, leaving the North technically still at war with South Korea.Xi and Kim will meet just a week before a G20 summit in Osaka where Xi and Trump are due to meet in a bid to reset ties poisoned by a bitter trade dispute. The timing of Xi’s visit to North Korea was no accident, said Li Zhonglin, a North Korea expert at China’s Yanbian University.China could be hoping to play a role in coaxing the North and the United States to resume denuclearisation talks after this year’s failed Kim-Trump summit in Hanoi, he added. “President Xi’s visit to North Korea can play a positive role in bringing about a third U.S.-North Korea summit,” Li said. “China wants a breakthrough.”Kim has visited Xi in China four times since last year, and China has praised North Korea and the United States for trying to resolve their issues through dialogue rather than threats of force or military posturing. While China has signed up to UN sanctions for the North’s repeated nuclear and missile tests, saying it is enforcing them fully, despite some US doubts, it has also suggested sanctions relief.China has also defended its “normal” trade and business ties with North Korea. This week, in a rare honour afforded a foreign leader, Xi wrote in the Rodong Sinmun newspaper that China supported North Korea’s “correct direction” in politically resolving issues on the Korean peninsula. China has also suggested the tough sanctions on the North could be eased if it abides by UN resolutions. With fuel imports limited and most major exports banned, the sanctions appear to be hurting the North’s economy.State media say drought has hit North Korea, with international aid groups reporting food production dropping dramatically amid poor harvests.
June 20, 2019 | 10:56 PM