
Time to tango at Katara

Time to tango at Katara

July 15, 2019 | 01:16 AM
SPECTACLE: u2018Los Guardiola u2013 The Comedy of Tangou2019 is being organised by Doha Tango Passion, a group of tango lovers, with support of Katara Cultural Village and the Embassy of Argentina in Doha.
Magical tango dancers are coming back to Doha. They are known around the world for their fantastic rendition of tango, dances, mimes and acts.‘Los Guardiola – The Comedy of Tango’ is being organised by Doha Tango Passion, a group of tango lovers, with support of Katara Cultural Village and the Embassy of Argentina in Doha. The 75-minute-long show will take place at Katara Drama Theatre on August 28. The performance consists of seven scenes inspired by famous tango routines.Dancers, mimes and actors – Marcelo Guardiola and Giorgia Marchiori – known artistically as ‘Los Guardiola’, will project the audience into the fantastic world of their danced pantomime where comedy and tragedy merge into the rhythm of tango.Los Guardiola tango show is a spectacle of mime and dance made up of numbers inspired by the lyrics of celebrated tangos. Beginning with resources from the Italian Commedia dell’Arte, French pantomime and Argentine tango, the performers, unique in their ability to stage the work, immerse the public in a tragicomic atmosphere replete with poetry.The tango performers are visiting Doha for the third time. They will perform in Katara for the first time.Talking to Community, Anil Kumar from Doha Tango Paasion, said: “On leaving a show by Marcelo and Giorgia, one leaves with the mind expanded and the heart compressed. The extraordinary sensitivity and talent of the two performers allow you to get direct to the root of the matter and the heart of the spectator, through a purity of styles all the fruit of informed and rigorous elaboration: unique in being able to stage their work, Marcelo and Giorgia are two performers with the precision of mime artistes, the bearing of dancers and the enchantment of marionettes, to express with their bodies what is not allowed to be said in words, in harmony with the whole, result of daily work on a life-long path of research and experimentation.”He added: “Among the most contemporary tango artistes, the couple Marcelo and Giorgia are one of the most loved and admired couples. Their shows have run in theatres and festivals all over the world. Marcelo is an actor, dancer, musician and stage director. Born in Buenos Aires, in 1999 he created a form of theatrical research called ‘TangoTeatro’, which proposes a new typology of entertainment which stages poetry through mime and dance. Giorgia, born in Rome, is a dancer, an actress, choreographer and doctor of philosophy. In 2003, she began her artistic collaboration with Marcelo establishing the duo, ‘Los Guardiola’ whose originality consists of telling stories through the marriage of mime and dance.“In 2004, for their work as tango dancers par excellence, they received the Diploma of Honour New Generation (Nueva Generación) after being declared as Cultural Interest by the Secretary of Culture, of the Argentine Presidency (Secretaría de la Cultura, Presidencia de la Nación). In 2011, for the original and distinctive use of tango in theatre, they were part of the VIII Holstebro Festuge, Denmark, organised by the Odin Teatret, directed by Eugenio Barba. In 2016, the Argentine National Academy of Tango (Academia Nacional del Tango de la República Argentina) awarded them institutional auspices as ‘Artist of Tango’, who advances tango-culture. Los Guardiola Tango Show premiered in the celebrated theatre – Teatro Maipo in Buenos Aires in 2016. They have also carried their wordless art to the following countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Denmark, England, France, Italy, Qatar, Russia, Slovenia, Spain and Switzerland.”The organiser further said: “The show is open for all groups who enjoy the art as a cultural activity. I, as an organiser of tango activities in Doha, have been bringing the best of Argentine tango to Doha for several years creating awareness about traditional tango of Argentina in Doha. For our group members who love to explore the art of tango we also conduct the weekly gathering and workshops at BAttitude spa every Sunday. We also welcome new members who are interested in learning tango organised by Doha Tango Passion group. I would also like to thank our community members and Argentine embassy in Doha for their continues support for Tango Pasion group.” 
July 15, 2019 | 01:16 AM