
QRCS, Unicef provide 'WASH' services for Mosul returnees

QRCS, Unicef provide 'WASH' services for Mosul returnees

August 17, 2019 | 10:10 PM
Recently, the QRCS representation mission in Iraq completed a bulk of projects to enhance 'WASH' services provided for up to 1,620,125 returnees.

Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS) and the United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) are working together to provide diverse relief services for returnees in Mosul, Nineveh Governorate, northern Iraq.

Recently, the QRCS representation mission in Iraq completed a bulk of projects to enhance the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services provided for up to 1,620,125 returnees, the organisation said in a statement.

In eastern Mosul, a series of projects were implemented to serve more than 130,000 beneficiaries. These included the construction of a pumping room and water suction canal to provide drinking water for Al-Hamdaniya district.

Another water collection and processing section was constructed at Al-Abzakh Station, to pump water from the river, and then filter, purify and distribute it to the city and neighbouring villages.

Also, there was a project of two water stations in Ashur and Manara, respectively, which serve a number of residential areas.

In the centre of the city, a water station was constructed to bridge the gap in water system. This plant provides drinking water for 9,000 beneficiaries in Al-Najjar and Al-Jawsaq districts.

For western Mosul’s 900,000 population, a water station was constructed in Tal Afar district. Also, the pumping station was revamped, with the water pumps prepared, installed and operated. This renovation will enable the plant to function at full capacity, providing potable water for Tal Afar and nearby villages.

Over two stages, QRCS implemented the Badush Water Station Project, which involved expansion of the pumping, filtration, purification and distribution plant. Then, the water system was repaired to distribute water from the station to Tal Afar and western Mosul in general.

At 11 primary healthcare centres, the water and sanitation facilities were rehabilitated, to serve 521,867 visitors on the left side of the city (Al-Aqsa, Al-Methaq, Al-Karama, Al-Quds, Kogjali, Al-Zahraa, Al-Qadisiyah, Al-Moharbeen, Al-Sukar, Al-Qahera and Al-Araby).

Majida M Bahnam, director of Al-Hamdaniya Water Station, thanked everyone who have contributed to these vital services, which meet the water needs for much of the city. With QRCS’s support, she noted, the processed potable water increased by 30%.

Moneer Koma, a resident of Al-Hamdaniya, is the head of a 12-member family. As the military operations erupted, he was displaced to Erbil with his family. Now, they are back home.

“We value the role played by QRCS’s field personnel,” said Koma. “We feel the remarkable improvement of services in relation to drinking water processing”.

August 17, 2019 | 10:10 PM