
Indonesia sends reinforcements to West Papua to quell unrest

Indonesia sends reinforcements to West Papua to quell unrest Jakarta

August 21, 2019 | 09:32 AM
Indonesian soldiers get on to the vehicle as they arrive at Domine Eduard Osok Airport to be deployed to Sorong and Manokwari following the protests in Sorong, West Papua, Indonesia, yesterday
Indonesia is sending 1,200 police reinforcements toWest Papua province as unrest triggered by the treatment of Papuanstudents on the main island of Java continued for a third day, policesaid Wednesday.  Protesters torched a traditional market and other governmentbuildings in the town of Fakfak in the latest violence, nationalpolice spokesman Muhammad Iqbal said.Iqbal said additional personnel would be sent to Manokwari andSorong, where protesters set fire to buildings on Monday and Tuesday. "The situation is under control," Iqbal said. "We are prioritizingpersuasive measures and communicating with community and religiousleaders," he added.  Thousands of people marched in West Papua on Monday and set fire toseveral government buildings in response to a crackdown on Papuanstudents in East Java who were protesting for self-determination fortheir homeland on Friday.  Protesters also torched a section of a prison in Sorong, prompting ariot that led to the escape of more than 250 inmates.Rights groups have criticized the police for what they calledheavy-handed treatment of dozens of the Papuan protesters during therally demanding self-determination for their homeland in East Java.Police forced their way into a Papuan student dormitory in Surabaya,the country's second largest city, briefly detained dozens ofstudents for allegedly desecrating an Indonesian flag.Papuan activists said they were also subjected to racist abuse.  Indonesian security forces have intensified operations in Papuaafter separatist rebels killed about two dozen construction workersbuilding a road in December.  Separatists have fought for independence for the region since the1960s.  Papua and West Papua provinces make up the Indonesian half of NewGuinea island.
August 21, 2019 | 09:32 AM