
More than 100 killed in air strike on Yemen prison: ICRC

More than 100 killed in air strike on Yemen prison: ICRC

September 01, 2019 | 05:39 PM
Red Crescent medics stand at the site of Saudi-led air strikes on a Houthi detention centre in Dhamar

More than 100 people are believed to have been killed in an air strike by the Saudi-led military coalition on a detention centre in Yemen, the International Committee of the Red Cross said Sunday.

The coalition said it targeted a facility run by the Houthi rebels that ‘stores drones and missiles’, but the rebels said the attack had levelled a building they used as a prison.

The ICRC rushed to the scene in the city of Dhamar with medical teams and hundreds of body bags.

‘The location that was hit has been visited by ICRC before,’ Rauchenstein told AFP from Dhamar. ‘It's a college building that has been empty and has been used as a detention facility for a while.’

‘What is most disturbing is that (the attack was) on a prison. To hit such a building is shocking and saddening - prisoners are protected by international law.’

Rauchenstein said that over 100 people were estimated to be dead, and that at least 40 survivors were being treated for their injuries in hospitals in the city, south of the capital Sanaa.

ICRC teams collecting bodies were ‘working relentlessly to find survivors under the rubble’, he said, but cautioned that the chances of finding any were very slim.

Footage obtained by AFP showed heavy damage to the building and several bodies lying in the rubble, as bulldozers worked to clear away huge piles of debris.

The coalition intervened in 2015 to support the government after the Iran-aligned Houthis swept out of their northern stronghold to seize Sanaa and much of Yemen -- the Arab world's poorest nation.

Fighting since then has already claimed tens of thousands of lives and sparked what the United Nations calls the world's worst humanitarian crisis.

- War crimes -

Both sides stand accused of actions that could amount to war crimes.

The coalition has been blacklisted by the UN for the killing of children, while Saudi Arabia and its allies accuse the Houthis of using civilians as human shields in densely populated areas.

The Saudi-led coalition said in a statement Sunday carried by the state-run Al-Ekhbariya news channel that it targeted a rebel ‘military position in Dhamar that stores drones and missiles’.

‘We took all precautionary measures to protect civilians,’ it added.

However, the Houthi television channel Al-Masirah said that dozens were killed and injured in seven air strikes that hit the building.

The attack in Dhamar comes weeks after a new front opened in Yemen's complex war, pitting two of Riyadh's allies against each other in a struggle for control of the south.

The United Arab Emirates, a key member of the coalition backing the Yemeni government, has also trained and supported secessionists who seek an independent southern Yemen.

The southern forces last month seized control of the interim capital Aden in the south, in a see-sawing battle with government troops that has drawn warnings that the country could break apart entirely.

The government has accused the UAE of backing a ‘coup’.

Analysts say the fight for the south is a key test for Saudi Arabia, which hopes to mediate a ceasefire so it can focus on its main mission of battling the Houthis who are aligned with its arch foe Iran.

September 01, 2019 | 05:39 PM