Girl students lend helping hand in tree plantation campaign
Girl students lend helping hand in tree plantation campaign
November 07, 2019 | 01:06 AM
Students of Juwayriyya Bint Al Harith Primary Girls School yesterday planted trees at the street near Barwa Mesaimeer Complex and Schools Project as part of the Qatar Beautification and Our Kids Planting Trees campaign.The initiative was organised by The Public Works Authority (Ashghal) in co-ordination with the Ministry of Municipality and Environment (MME). The Supervisory Committee of Beautification of Roads and Public Places in Qatar is implementing the “Qatar Beautification and Our Kids Planting Trees” campaign, which will continue until the end of 2021. The committee works under the MME, in co-ordination with several ministries and other entities such as Ministry of Transport and Communications, Ministry of Culture and Sports, Qatar Museums Authority, Qatar Railway Company, Private Engineering Bureau among others. The committee is responsible for five major tasks including the construction of central public parks, provision of dedicated lanes for pedestrians and bicycles, development of the Doha Corniche, development of Central Doha and increasing afforestation and greenery areas.Mohamed Abdulla Abbas, head of Doha Municipality’s gardens section, said he is glad to see the children participate in the beautification of the country, from a young age. “They feel the importance of their role in the prosperity of Qatar,” he said. Fatima al-Suwaidi, vice principal and students affairs officer at Juwayriyya Bint Al Harith Primary Girls School, said that the campaign contributes to increasing students’ awareness on their role in preserving the environment. “Thirty students took part in the plantation drive.”The development of the street near Barwa Mesaimeer Complex and Schools project includes planting 45 trees and beautification of 2,168sqm landscape in addition to 1km of shared pedestrian and cycle paths. The supervisory committee’s work will enhance sustainability through minimising environmental pollution and reducing the emission of CO2 through minimised consumption and conservation of energy resources. It focuses on the provision of more public transport options to reduce the use of private cars and improve lifestyle through clean and safe transportation. The committee also works for ensuring a healthy environment within residential neighbourhoods and places of public gatherings through increased afforestation and landscaping, which will greatly help in reducing the temperature in cities.
November 07, 2019 | 01:06 AM