
Armenia leader highlights Sheikha Moza's 'global visionary leadership'

Armenia leader highlights Sheikha Moza's 'global visionary leadership'

November 20, 2019 | 10:17 PM
Armen Sarkissian, president of Armenia speaking at the WISE opening plenary session. PICTURE: Jayan Orma

The president of Armenia has highlighted the ‘global visionary leadership’ of Her Highness, Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, chairperson of Qatar Foundation.

“I would like to specially thank Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser for her global visionary leadership. These three words mean a lot because education is the most important part of our life, our activities and our humanity,” said Armen Sarkissian, president of Armenia.

President Sarkissian was delivering the keynote address at the opening plenary of the World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) 2019 at the Qatar National Convention Centre on Wednesday.

"I had my first visit to the Education City of Qatar Foundation and I enjoyed it thoroughly. It is also a proof of the global visionary leadership of Her Highness. It is a truly international facility and the most important among them for me is the Qatar National Library. The library building offers world class architecture and the resources offer immense wealth of knowledge,” continued Sarkissian.

“This library is a time gate that connects us with the past and provides a link to the future. It offers thousands of manuscripts about the past and gives a peek to the culture of the country and the region,” he noted.

As for the modern day education, Sarkissian felt that there was a lot of confusion currently. “The same type of confusion prevailed some 100 years back. But human genius has changed the whole humanity through years of harvesting and exploring," he stated.

However, Sarkissian maintained that there will be many more large scale changes in the next five to ten years and there will be several new things taking place.

“Healthcare will change as the whole idea of healthcare will undergo through Artificial Intelligence and people might live longer. I don’t have a comprehensive answer to what and how to educate our children. I believe education should have one important function – to find talent. Every child is born with some talent, and as educators, your job is to nurture it. Secondly, you must remember that not everyone has the same privileges as you – many are deprived of basic rights such as education. So, never forget to share. And finally, I want to tell the youth to believe in themselves,” he highlighted.

“Education is a very important aspect of our lives. Education is for everybody, and I am hoping to walk out of these doors a little wiser,” added, the Armenian president.

November 20, 2019 | 10:17 PM