
Qatar to raise LNG production capacity to 126mn tonnes a year by 2027

Qatar to raise LNG production capacity to 126mn tonnes a year by 2027

November 25, 2019 | 01:00 PM
HE the Minister of State for Energy Affairs Saad Sherida al-Kaabi addressing a press conference at the QP headquarters. PICTURE: Thajuddin

Qatar’s LNG production capacity will be raised to 126mn tonnes per year (tpy) by 2027, representing a huge increase of 64% on the current 77mn tpy, HE the Minister of State for Energy Affairs Saad Sherida al-Kaabi said Monday.Addressing a press conference at the QP headquarters, al-Kaabi, also the President and CEO of Qatar Petroleum, said new studies have revealed that the North Field’s productive layers extend well into Qatari land in Ras Laffan, paving the way for a new LNG production project in the north of Qatar.Al-Kaabi announced that the confirmed gas reserves of the North Field exceed 1,760tn cu ft, in addition to more than 70bn barrels of condensates, and massive quantities of LPG, ethane, and helium.Asked how long the reserves would last at the current rate of production, he said, “a long time”.Al-Kaabi said: “During the past two years, Qatar Petroleum worked diligently to determine the degree to which the North Field extends towards the south west, as well as the possibility of production from Qatar’s northern coastal onshore areas.”“I am pleased to announce that our appraisal efforts have borne fruit, and that we have confirmation that the productive layers of the North Field extend well into Qatari land in Ras Laffan. Studies and well tests have also confirmed the ability to produce large quantities of gas from this new sector of the North Field.”It is worth mentioning that the latest North Field appraisal well (NF-12) was drilled onshore in the Ras Laffan Industrial City, about 12km from shore and underwent extensive testing over the past few months.Al-Kaabi said: “These are very important findings, which will have a great positive impact on Qatar’s gas industry, and which will move it forward into bigger and wider horizons. These results will also enable us to immediately commence the necessary engineering work for two additional LNG mega trains with a combined annual capacity of 16mn tonnes per year.“This will raise Qatar’s LNG production from currently 77mn tpy to 126mn tpy by 2027, representing an increase of about 64%. It will also raise Qatar’s overall hydrocarbon production to about 6.7mn barrels oil equivalent per day.”Al-Kaabi took the opportunity to express, on behalf of everyone at Qatar Petroleum, the greatest of gratitude to His Highness the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani for his leadership and his guidance, and for his strong and unlimited support to Qatar’s energy sector.QP had said before it was lifting its LNG production to around 110mn tpy by 2024, and that it would build four new production facilities, known as LNG trains.According to Reuters the expansion of Qatar's LNG facilities is the world's largest and one of the energy sector's most lucrative projects. 

November 25, 2019 | 01:00 PM