
N Korea test fires short range rockets in reminder of year-end deadline for US

N Korea test fires short range rockets in reminder of year-end deadline for US

November 28, 2019 | 11:35 PM
People watch a TV broadcasting file footage for a news report on North Korea firing an unidentified projectile, in Seoul, South Korea, yesterday.
Breaking a month-long lull in missile tests, North Korea fired two short range projectiles into the sea off its east coast yesterday in what appeared to be the latest try out its new  multiple rocket launchers, South Korea’s military said. The test-firing came as the clock ticks down on the year-end deadline that Pyongyang had given the United Stated to show flexibility in their stalled denuclearisation talks.It also coincided with the US Thanksgiving holiday, and took place one day before the second anniversary of the North’s test of an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of hitting the US mainland. South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said the North fired the two projectiles into the sea from launchers in the eastern coastal town of Yonpo at around 5pm. The rockets travelled up to 380km and reached an altitude of 97km, the JCS said.Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said the launch was a threat to not only Japan but the region and beyond, though his defence ministry said the projectile did not enter Japanese airspace or its Exclusive Economic Zone. “We will remain in close contact with the United States, South Korea and the international community to monitor the situation,” Abe told reporters.The launch is the first since Oct 31, when the North tested what it called super-large multiple rocket launchers, which had also been used in tests conducted in August and September that were overseen by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. South Korea’s military expressed “strong regret,” urging the North to stop stoking military tension. “Such acts by North Korea are unhelpful for efforts to ease tension on the Korean peninsula,” Jeon Dong-jin, director of operations at the JCS, told a news briefing.Kim has set an end-of-the-year deadline for denuclearisation talks with Washington, but negotiations have been at an impasse after a day-long working level meeting on Oct 5 ended without progress. Analysts believe Pyongyang is trying to send a Thanksgiving reminder to the United States by demonstrating progress in weapons development on the anniversary of the 2017 ICBM test.“Today’s launch fit a North Korean pattern of escalating pressure on Washington and Seoul ahead of Kim Jong-un’s year-end deadline,” said Leif-Eric Easley, who teaches international studies at Ewha Womans University in Seoul.North Korean officials have warned the United States to abandon its hostile policy toward the North or Pyongyang would walk away from the talks. The North has demanded the lifting of sanctions against it and the abandonment of joint military drills by the United States and South Korea, which it calls preparations for an invasion. The test also comes a week after South Korea pulled back from a decision to scrap an intelligence-sharing pact with Japan, a key element of security co-operation between the key US allies in the region.
November 28, 2019 | 11:35 PM