
Cabinet approves draft budget

Cabinet approves draft budget

December 04, 2019 | 09:48 PM
HE the Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa al-Thani

The Cabinet's regular meeting, chaired by HE the Prime Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa al-Thani, on Wednesday approved the State's draft budget for the fiscal year 2020, and a draft law approving the budget, and referring the main sections of the draft budget and the draft law to the Shura Council.

Giving details of the meeting, which was held at the Amiri Diwan, HE the Minister of Justice and Acting Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Dr Issa Saad al-Jafali al-Nuaimi stated that the draft budget was prepared on the basis of providing the necessary allocations for the plans and projects of Qatar National Vision 2030 and the requirements of the Second National Development Strategy 2018- 2022 with its various economic, social, human and environmental pillars; providing funds for the completion of major projects and projects associated with the 2022 World Cup; allocating funds for the development of infrastructure in free, economic, industrial and logistic zones and for the development of lands for citizens; supporting business development initiatives to enhance the role of the private sector and its participation in various economic activities; supporting food security and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The Cabinet also approved a draft law on the unified economic register and to refer it to the Shura Council.

The preparation of the draft law came to replace Law No 14 of 2018 on the unified economic register, within the framework of updating legislation and keep abreast of developments.

A Draft Amiri Decision amending some provisions of Amiri Decision No 17 of 2015 on the establishment of Naufar Centre.

The centre aims to provide the best level of treatment, rehabilitation, preventive, comprehensive care, and integrated community care, in addition to providing educational programmes and applied research for the patients of addiction, within the framework of the methodology adopted by hospital resorts.

The Cabinet moreover approved its decision on establishing the Permanent Committee for addiction treatment.

Under the provisions of the draft decision, a committee called the Permanent Committee for addiction treatment shall be established at the Ministry of Public Health headed by the Minister of Public Health.

General Directorate of Public Security at the Ministry of Interior shall be the vice president with the membership of representatives of concerned authorities.

The Committee aims to co-ordinate national governmental and non-governmental efforts in the treatment and follow-up of addicts.

The Cabinet also approved the draft executive regulation of the Income Tax Law promulgated by Law No 24 of 2018.

The Cabinet approved a draft decision of the Cabinet on establishing the General Medical Committee at the Ministry of Public Health and defining its competencies.

This draft law will replace the decision of the Minister of Public Health No 1 of 1986 on restructuring the ministry's medical committee and defining its competencies as part of legislation modernization.

A committee, called "General Medical Committee of the Ministry of Public Health'', will be established. It will consider applications referred to it by governmental and non-governmental bodies, including medical examination to study cases of work injuries and occupational diseases and determine the percentage of total and partial disability resulting thereof and its impact on the competence of the employee or worker to carry out the work assigned.

This committee will also study the requests related to reduction of working hours according to health status of the employee and make the appropriate recommendation and grant leave to a Qatari female employee in order to care for her children with disabilities or with illnesses that require the mother to accompany them or to accompany her sick child during his stay for treatment in a public or private hospital within the State, and to make a recommendation thereon.

The Cabinet also approved a draft law of the Minister of Justice to issue the rules of the obligations of lawyers, authorised notaries and real estate agents to the requirements of combating money laundering and financing of terrorism.

This draft law will replace Law No 81 of 2012 on obligations of law firms and companies operating in the State of Qatar to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, within the framework of updating legislation and keeping abreast of developments.

The Cabinet took the necessary measures to ratify an agreement for co-operation in the field of education, higher education and scientific research between the governments of Qatar and Italy.

The Cabinet also approved the following:

1- A draft air services agreement between the governments of Qatar and Jordan.

2- A draft memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the field of family, women and social services between the governments of Qatar and Turkey.

3- A draft agreement on co-operation in research on giant Panda conservation between the Ministry of Municipality and Environment of Qatar and Wildlife Conservation Society of the People's Republic of China.

December 04, 2019 | 09:48 PM